The Morgan Three- Wheeler Championship


LAST year’s Morgan 3-wheeler Racing Championship was won by Ian Rattray and Steve Vines, with an F-type Morgan, who scored 51 points. Three points behind in second place was the 8/80 JAP-powered Morgan of Bill and Maggie Tuer, with third place, at 36 points, going to the JAP Mk.II-engined Morgan of Dave Caroline and Eric Hocken. An F-type was 4th, followed by JAP-engined Moggies, so it was a nicely open balance between the vee-twins and the later models. The Morgan 3-wheeler Club will shortly announce the events constituting the 1982 Racing Championship and hopes for more than 13 entries for most events, as was achieved last season. The Membership Secretary is: Dave Harman, Mellow Cottage, Ankerdine Hill, Knightwick, Worcester, WR6 5PN, and a printed magazine full of interest to Mogmen is published monthly.