The Wrong Beast


The Wrong Beast


I have been a regular reader of MOTOR SPORT for some years and have not felt tempted to write to you until now about views expressed by you and your staff. I think it would be fair to say that MOTOR SPORT definitely “leans” toward anything “foreign”—witness the frequent adulations about BMW, Porsche etc.—although I am pleased. to read that you found some kind words to say about the Rover 2200TC/3500Seven going so far as to imply that if it were not for the British badge on the front—”we would go crackers over it”. Having got that off my chest, I shall now have a go at “C.R.” for his comments about the “new” MGs. (The Optimistic Ones, Nov.). How on earth he can refer to the MG-B as “the beast” I know not, when on the same page is pictured a Porsche Turbo that one could hardly call good looking. Perhaps Porsche are joking too. I mean to say, just look at it, if I were spending £1 4,000 on a car I should want something looking a little less like a mobile gas-works No, “C.R.” I am not an MG afficionado—just another Briton who is a little tired of the “anti-British this and that” brigade and one who firmly believes that there is just as good (if not better) to be had on this side of the channel.