Northampton Frogeye Sprite Club


Northampton Frogeye Sprite Club


Since last April a few enthusiasts a the Mark 1 Sprite in the Northampton area have been meeting regularly for get-togethers and a general chit Chat. We have slowly expanded until at present we have a membership of twenty. We try to organise a “happening”, he it driving test, rally, treasure hunt etc., once every eight to ten weeks and would welcome any contact with anyone in the area be it individuals or clubs who might be interested.

The person to contact is Vince Webb, 26 Aintree Road, Parklands, Northampton. Tel. 47716 or just turn up at the “Worlds End”, Ecton (on the A45 midway between Northampton and Wellingborough) either the first or the third Thursday of the month.

Northampton VINCE WEBB Secretary