A Wonderful Little Car


A Wonderful Little Car


I have just seen the letter from Mrs. Braiden in the December issue. I can fully endorse all her claims for the Fiat 500. After owning 43 cars and motorcycles since 1935, I too purchased a 500 new in December 1970 and can honestly say that I have never had so much pleasure, fun and reliability combined with economy, from any other vehicle owned or driven.

I do not cover the mileage nowadays that Mrs. Braiden does but I regularly do over 20 miles per day in all conditions, cruising at 52 m.p.h. on the open road and my carefully recorded petrol consumption is a genuine 57 m.p.g. and especially in the present conditions of traffic chaos and inflation, I certainly wouldn’t own anything else. A wonderful little car. I also get over 2,000 m.p.p. oil. I have had no repairs or involuntary stops of any kind in four years.

Many thanks for MOTOR SPORT which I have taken regularly since 1929 at the age of 11! (now 56 plus!)—still by far, the best motoring magazine and greatly relished. I have all copies since 1946 in my possession and rnany earlier ones. My pre-war ones were destroyed in the blitzes on London.