An MG-C Club


An MG-C Club . . . For—


I would be grateful of the opportunity to reply to Messrs. Willmer & Slatter and their opposition to a separate MG-C Club. A little while before the recent correspondence on the “C” began to appear in MOTOR SPORT I purchased a “C” more by luck than judgement, I admit, and rapidly became aware that it was very much the car suited to my needs and desires. The affection that developed for the car prompted me to seek membership of a club, for the obvious reasons, and so I naturally contacted the MG Car Club and thereupon my enthusiasm began to wane because although they eventually sent me an application form my enquiries as to the strength of “C” owners who were members and general enquiries have been continually ignored in spite of pursuit by me from time to time. I simply wanted to know that as a mere “C” owner I would derive some benefit at least from being a member. My impression, supported by the comments of Mr. Willmer in particular, is that there is a great bias n favour of “T” owners, “A”s are tolerated but any others, well their subcription is welcome but that is all.

Mr. Willmer smugly comments that until a car is at least 10 years obsolete no register should really be entertained but surely the object of any club is to support any car, if open to all, or alternatively no objection should be raised to the formation of a club designed for the purpose and which would fill a sadly lacking need. It is for this reason that I cannot accept his emotional outburst in the last paragraph of his letter, nor suggestion that a separate club is unnecessary. Until the MGCC meets the need he has no argument whatsoever. Perhaps he will also appreciate that due to the unavailability of the model or the cash, or both, not as many people who would like can own one of his cherished “T” types. In 10 years perhaps several of the apparently few “C”s around will have disappeared. What then?

In short, therefore, I see no point at all in my joining the MGCC but would very much welcome, preferably a “C” owners’ club within the MGCC, or alternatively a completely independent supporters’ club. Frankly, however, I am not inclined to press the matter any further because in the light of my experience so far it would be a waste of time—I can still enjoy my “C”. I will simply bide my time, until perhaps an owner with more time and stamina likes to take the matter up, when he will have my wholehearted support.

West Wickham D. J. PARKER