Before We Lose Track


Before We Lose Track

THE McLaren firm have built racing cars for almost every type of racing, and even built a prototype road car, their model numbering running neatly in sequence from number one. The 1974 Formula One cars were M23 models and altogether nine were built

M.23/1—Yardley team car for Mike Hailwood. Crashed in practice at Nurburgring. Rebuilt as Show-car for Denis Hulme.

M23/2—Show car for Texaco-Marlboro.

M23/3—Sold to Dave Charlton in S. Africa for Lucky Strike team.

M23/4—Team Texaco-Marlboro spare car. Transferred to Yardley team in August. Retained by factory.

M23/5—Team Texaco-Marlboro—Emerson Fittipaldi spare car. Retained by factory.

M23/6—Team Texaco-Marlboro — Denis Hulme car. Retained by factory.

M23/7—Yardley team car for Mike Hailwood. Crashed in race at Nurburgring. Scrapped

M23/8—Team Texaco-Marlboro—Emerson Fittipaldi car. Retained by factory.

M23/9—New car for 1975 to appear in Argentine GP.