Never Again



I was extremely interested, and not at all surprised, to read your article on the TR6 which appeared in your November issue. I too am a TR6 owner and an extremely disgruntled one at that. Disgruntled because I am now driving a second TR6 which has proved even more troublesome than the first. The first TR6 which I had in 1970 had several faults which should not only have not occurred, but were very expensive in relation to the nature of the faults themselves. Indeed the design of the wiper motor units would appear to leave very much to be desired, since, although the fault itself was not of a serious nature, it was a very involved and expensive job to have them repaired.

Like you I gave Triumph the benefit of the doubt and concluded that my particular car had been one of those much fabled Monday or Thursday models. I therefore ordered another TR6 on 15th June, 1971 thinking that this would be ample time for delivery for February, 1972. The new TR6 arrived despite minor bungling on the part of the dealer and major bungling (and not a little rudeness) on the part of Triumph on 1st September, 1972. Shortly after I took delivery of the vehicle I wrote to Lord Stokes complaining about the car, and enclosed a photostat copy of that letter which explains the items which were faulty. The car was subsequently serviced at Coventry by Triumph in March of this year and most of the items were corrected satisfactorily.

Like you however, I ran out of petrol one evening on the way to the pub. The following morning I went to collect my car and put a gallon in the tank and drove to the nearest garage and asked for another 10 gallons— the tank would only take eight gallons, much to my consternation. I therefore wrote to Triumph and mentioned that they had not corrected this satisfactorily and had another letter back dated 4th July, 1973, a copy of which I also enclose.

The finish of the TR6 and presumably other Triumphs also is appalling and I also feel that they have demonstrated the independence of attitude for which the British motorcar industry is renowned. I do not intend having another Triumph—ever!

I would be interested to hear if you met with more success than I as regards your petrol tank and would appreciate any suggestions for a foreign motor car that I might find suitable for under £2,000.

Coventry. M. J. Davies.