The Value of Competition Motoring


“Ford, which hasn’t outsold Chevrolet since 1959, could regain the U.S. automobile sales-lead in 1966. Ford’s victory at the 1965 Indianapolis race, participation in European racing, ventures onto U.S. dragstrips and repeated victories in stock-car competition, and publicity resulting there from, are some of the reasons why Ford may close the gap, 3.1% last year, 7.% in 1964, by which Chevrolet’s sales lead Ford’s.”—Bob Harrison, in last December’s issue of Car Life.

Vintage & Triple-M Registers

Mike Allison continues as Hon. Sec. of the Triplc-M Register, but her address is now, 25, Meadow Close, Grove, Wantage, Berks.

The Triple.-M Register caters for all o.h.c. M.G. Midgets, Magnas and Magnettes manufactured between 1929 and 1936.

Miss Allison has also taken over as Hon. Sec. of the M.G. Vintage Register, which deals with the side-valve and 18/80 models, and will be pleased to hear from all owners of any of these models.

Brighton Run

We have received complaints that some finishers in the Veteran Car Run were listed as retiring. We used the R.A.C.’s official list, which was belatedly corrected too late for us to alter the results in last month’s issue.