passport to flying -your g.c.e


Passport to flying your G.C.E.

How old is your G.C.E. ? Three weeks or three years, it makes no difference. If you are over 17 and under 26 and hold, er expect to gain, G.C.E. at ‘0’ level in 5 acceptable subjects including mathematics and English language, you are eligible to apply now for a Direct Entry commission in the Royal Air Force.

If you are successful you will be flying this year.

Four months after entry you will be appointed acting Pilot Officer and depending on your role as pilot, navigator or air electronics officer, your first aircraft will be the Jet Provost, the Valetta or the Varsity. Later, when you join an operational squadron, you will find that it does not take long to become a key man—you could pilot a twice-the-speed-of-sound Lightning at 21, and an outstanding pilot or navigator can captain a ‘V’ bomber at 23.

You will have an exciting, varied career, serving in any one of a dozen countries, paying flying visits to thirty others. You will make and meet friends all over the world. And you will always have the satisfaction of knowing that yours is one of the most vital and responsible jobs in the world today. Your pay and length of service

As an aircrew officer, your pay and allowances are excellent—what other career can offer you £950 at 21, over Z:1750 at 25, and a capital gratuity of £4000 if you choose to leave after 12 years ? You are guaranteed service to the age of 38 (or 16 years, whichever is longer) which qualifies you for a pension of at least ‘455 a year as well as a tax-free gratuity. There are good prospects of service to the age of 55 with an increased pension. Alternatively you may serve for 8 or 12 years—these periods of service also entitle you to a generous gratuity. Write today for full details, giving your date of birth and educational qualifications to Group Captain J. A. Crockett, R.A.F., Air Ministry, (MX 867), Adastral House, 11-indan. WC.r. THE FUTURE IS WITH THE R.A.F,