
THE CARS IN MY LIFE by W. 0. Bentley We offer our apologies to all our customers who were

We offer our apologies to all our customers who were kept waiting for the above. This was due to a postponement of publication followed by a sell out before publication. The second printing is now ready and we are able to supply copies in our usual way-by return of post. An excellent book which was well worth waiting for, it contains a whole chapter on the Bentley that ” never was ” and much other Bentley lore. 250 pages. 31/6. THE RACING DRIVER, by D. lenkinson. The theory and practice of fast driving by this leading sporting journalist who has driven beside Fangio, Hawthorn and Moss on innumerable occasions … I9/A STORY OF FORMULA I. Motor Sport’s ace reporter ” Jenks ” describes the goings on in the realms of Grand Prix Racing 1954-1960. Outstanding photographs of cars in action, personalities and close-ups of mechanical detail. Includes full tabulated results. 159

pages ,.ofW. O.,” by W . W. 0. Bentley. A biography f Bentley and Bentleys. 250 pages THE VINTAGE BENTLEY BOOK. Reprints of

Autocor and Motor Road Tests. 63 pages … 10/6 JAGUAR-A BIOGRAPHY, by Lord Montagu o; Beaulieu. This book, as the marque it portrays, is a classic. Lord Montagu has left no stone unturned for information whilst setting out in print for the first time the history of perhaps the most exciting make of British car on the road today. The coverage of this book is from the early Swallow side cars up to and including the ” E type.

273 pages A TURN AT THE WHEEL, by Moss. The years covered in this book, 1957-1960, will have a special place in history as the period in which British racing cars and their drivers achieved complete dominance over their foreign rivals. 200 pages_ 26/3 FORMULA JUNIOR COMPETITION CAR, by The staff of ” The Motor.” Gives a brief history of F.J. and outlines its purpose. The seven major contenders are fully described and illustrated, as well as many othe’rs. 69 illustrations. 48 pages … 8/6 SPEED WAS MY LIFE, by F. Neubauer. The Mercedes team manager gives a fascinating account of motor racing. Personal sketches of Caracciola, Nuvolari, Seaman, Rose meyer. etc. An excellent book. 207 pages … 22/3 FORD 10 COMPETITION ENGINE, by P. H. Smith. How to extract more power from the Ford 10 I,172-c.c. engine. Includes full details on stripping, rebuilding, tuning, modifying, supercharging, etc. .. 19/6 LOTUS-THE STORY OF THE MARQUE, by 1. Smith. The astonishing growth of Colin Chapman’s Lotus concern from an Austin-based Special to the proud position it holds today is one of the romances of motor racing. In ” Lotus-the Story of the Marque,” the whole fascinating story is told, from the moment when Colin Chapman-then still a student-drove his first Lotus, a modified Austin 7, up the muddy slopes of a trials hill to the well deserved success of his latest revolutionary design for Formula I and Formula Junior machines, Lavishly illustrated throughout with over 150 illuStradons. This is a book that will excite all motor-racing enthusiasts. 200 pages … 26/3