

N.B.—Opinions expressed are those of our Correspondents and “Motor Sport” does not necessarily associate itself with thern.—Ed



” So B.M.C. means business . . in Western Europe exports up by 71%, with a 95% increase in the last three months . • . The secret to success is competitive prices.” Thank you, Mr. Harriman, for providing these statistics which are so cheering, but being a resident of Western Europe I regret I cannot report a startling increase in British car sales generally or B.M.C. products specifically. May I be allowed to question these sales statistics in an attempt to arrive at the true situation ?

Let us first make quite sure that the car sales quoted as applicable are to persons permanently domiciled in the country of sale, i.e., a sale in Germany only to a German. Discount those cars sold to members of the N.A.T.O. Forces and attached civilians, as these vehicles are subsequently re-exported to the U.K., Canada, etc. Discount, too, the cars used by the appropriate sales organisations as demonstration and service vehicles for the above market, and then we arrive at a representative figure.

I hope this does not sound too elementary, but in my experience it goes a long way to explaining why British cars on European registration arc conspicuous by their absence, despite statistics to the contrary. And while percentages are impressive they can be used to cover numerically insignificant increases. Can we have figures please, Mr. Harriman? Competitive prices ? You are a West German considering the new car market—it looks like this :—

Ford 12M .. • • 5555

I await information with interest to prove that West Germany is the Western European exception to Mr. Harriman’s Common Market Optimism. Germany. ” UNGLAUBIGER,” [Name and address supplied.—En.] * *