


I am rather tired of reading in your otherwise satisfactory journal criticisms of the excellent B.M.C. mini-cars. I took delivery of my own Mini-Minor last February and have covered 20,000 very enjoyable and trouble-free miles. I would not consider myself a gentle driver and yet my tyres are still in a very healthy condition and I would expect them to last me well on towards 30,000 miles. The only replacement which has been necessary in all these 20,000 miles has been a new fan belt, the old one being rather frayed. I have learnt that my gearbox has to be handled with rather more precision than you would expect of a synchromesh gearbox. In fact, it has to be treated as a semi-crash box.

I have had no trouble from water leaks either through the bottom of the car or through the doors. The oil consumption is now less than it was as a new car and the performance and handling are really superb when you take into consideration the basic price of only £360.

I should like to add that the service I have received from the Morris main agents in Bolton has been beyond criticism.

I am, Yours, etc.,

Bromley Cross. K. R. BROWN.