A Point of View!



Judging from my own experiences, your correspondents J. K. Skinner and R. Firth seem to have come off lightly in their troubles. I was stopped by a police patrol in March and my vehicle was examined. No fault was found at all with the braking ability of hand or foot brake, but I was fairly booked for a faulty hand-brake ratchet. My summons (also altered in ball-pen) allowed me but four clear days, including a week-end, before the hearing in May. I have a long, perfectly clean driving record, and my only previous blot was a parking offence four years ago. The local magistrates, not content with a mere fine for such a grave example of the effects of my income being low, saw fit to take away my driving licence. So I took up hooliganism; it is more fun than motoring and it is obviously a far less serious crime to be caught at ! .,

I am, Yours, etc [Name and address supplied.—Ed.].