Car Mart's Jubilee


Car Mart Ltd. recently held a party to celebrate their Jubilee, Major R. S. Grigg having founded this well-known firm on October 29th, 1908. Showrooms in Piccadilly were opened in 1909 and from 1921-23 Car Mark dealt in Angus-Sanderson, Sizaire-Berwick, Fiat 501, Singer, Bean, Rolls-Royce and Daimler cars. Later, Sir Herbert Austin invited Car Mart to take the distribution rights for Austin cars in London and some Home Counties. Today the firm is well known for its Austin sales, and in 1947 they presented a Sheerline to Their Royal Highnesses on the occasion of their wedding.

Particularly pleasing is the preservation by Car Mart of the Little Georgian House in Euston Road, where John Braithwaite, railway engineer and inventor, lived and worked from 1797 to 1870. — W. B.