
100 IN THE HOUR Sir,

In your interesting article in the December issue (page 747) you refer to the M.C.C. One-Hour High-Speed Trials at Brooklands.

You say that with the demise of Brooklands Track these one-hour trials were never revived.

Might I point out that since 1950 these one-hour trials (for ears and motor-cycles) have been a regular feature of the annual M.C.C. Silverstone Race Meeting.. I am, Yours, etc., J. A. MASTERS, SerreZary,

London, S.W.1. p.p. The Motor Cycling Club. [We gladly acknowledge that post-war M.C.C. one-hour high-speed trials have been held—we have reported them in our columns. But it would be quite impossible for any competitor to average over 100 m.p.h. in these trials because they were run over the Club Circuit at Silverstone, involving corners. As our article referred to Outer Circuit motoring it was fairly obvious that we intended to imply that no further M.C.C. ” all-out ” events of this kind were possible after 1939, due to the demise of Brooklands.—E.] READERS’ LETTERS

MOTOR SPORT’S correspondence grows monthly and naturally it is possible to publish only a small proportion of the letters received. However, the Editor wishes to assure those readers whose letters do not get into print that these are read with interest nevertheless and are appreciated as a very effective means of keeping abreast of public opinion.