

Far many years I have with great lest interest read your publication, which •as far as I can judge—is the foremost newspaper in the branch. I ulu. thank you for what 1 have-learned by many initiated articles, and the pleasure I have with your paper.

However. I don’t write to make love to you, hut to tell you that I think it is itbout time that a neutral voice from it country (Sweden)— buying lots and lots of ears–says -something regarding the light betweeit you and the British Motor Industry.

I find it a pity that eonntry men or Moss, Brooks, fffineansflamilton and so many, many other good drivers in the land of real motor enthusiasm are -so pro-Briti*h in their opinion of British vehicles that they -are not able to fare factsa very important thing when you discuss questions vitally. It does not help the British Motor Industry that men like Mr. Hodgson—we call them crayfish here—try to shiqw opinion for 13ritish cars-without competitive ability just because they are British.

A boy is able to separate at 1930 car and a 1950 one. Has one then not the right to demand that grown-up gentlemen must be able to understand the difference in selling–beeause that’s the pointout-dated ears in new Shells and up-to-date ears also in new shells ? Si,. with all the rights in the world, the German, Freneh and Italian cars are the most sold foreign ears here in Sweden. In the name of good and son nil business between the countries in our Europe, I hope that will not be the ease in your country in a couple of years. An Austin Al)) costs here about 4:.365 and the Volkswagen about 1430. Si) it might be of no surprise if I. say that only a very few people effieuse Austin., and that Volkswagen is the most sold car in Sweden today and has been since the import from Western Germany was free. as it has been for a long time from Great Britain,

However. IOW the happy owner of a British sporting car. Some months ago I ordered the .1956 model and the dealer was promised delivery during October, 1 haven’t got the car yet. The dealer has written and cabled to the Export Organisation with reference to deliveries. without even having an answer I Who wonders that— together with the above mentioned—so many choose Continental cars ? Bet, I will AM: to a British. As one of -very few. I am. Yours. etc.,

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