


One wonders why Suety surprise is shown when a motoring enthusiast (i.e., Peter Clark. ref. Ntivember issue) drives a Studebaker for tireferenee.

This year’s Motor Show seems to finally confound the technically backward, wipe out the arguments of diehard ” enthusiasts,” and, we hope (hot in vain, we fear. for this type is in the ascendancy). silence the high-pitched jeeringof the ” know-ails ” (See envy !) If it were not for the import duty making prices prohibitive, the large American saloon would soon be making its presence known ! Three cheers for chromium plating and super soft *mpension!! Hurrah for rear seats that normal-sized adults can sit ii) ! Full marks for ease of handling, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, large indicator/stop/rear lights, that you cannot possibly miss, and, oh, a Whole host of refinements far too numerous to fill your admirable magazine with. Who cares if yen can’t ” feel ” the front, wheels, the thing is to get round the corner., and the easier this can be. executed the happier we shall be. And the chap that finds a way of efficiently disposing of the gear-lever. deserves a knighthood !! The Y.C.C. is respected and admired, as it should be. but anything thatsmells of vintage, as far as we are concerned, is out ! !! Tlw day or the ” Mares Car ” is as dead as any Dodo is ever liktly to he. and shonld stay that %tat,

And these magnitieent colours .. flandwyant ? Yes. Exotic ? Yes, but, oh, so different ! And before anyone decides to I brow a fit, let him remember that this year’s ;Motor Show illustrates the trend of things, At last eur makers have put away the pots of black paint; at last they realise that chromium is not all show (ask any engineer), and that white-wall tyres look good.

Finally, compare the performanee figures of the average American saloon with its British counterpart. Why. the Aston Martin D11-3S only puts nut 180 b.h.p., but the Americans take 210 up as quite normal.

Given more time and space, we could enlarge on this subject cow siderablv. but let’s have a show of hands !

We are. Yours, etc..

3. WArSoN.

G. A. 1101.TitAm.

• .1. GIFFORD.

Cheltenham. • M. 17.