Useful Accessories

The Mory Radblind
This consists of that good old-fashioned remedy for a cool radiator, roller-blind. It is fitted ahead of the cooling element and raised or to any desired extent by pulling a handle attached to a of delightfully “domestic” chain. A hook on the facia takes the handle and “free” length of chain after operation.

The blind is well made and is supplied with fitting instructions in English and French. This is a valuable winter accessory, likely to prove more effective than a rusty thermostat in maintaining an engine at the temperature best suited to economy and long bore life.

A similar expedient was used by Louis Coatalen to cure his team of Sunbeam racing cars from over-cooling in the 1913 fuel consumption Grand Prix, only he is said to have taken the blinds from his Sunbeam saloon in which he had driven to Amiens.

Details are available from Mory & Co., Cunard House, Leadenhall Street. London, E.C.3 (Avenue 3434).

The Clean-a-Screen
Some accessories can be seen to be useful and of value even before trying them, and such was the case with the Clean-a-Screen device which arrived on the Editorial desk recently. Sponsored by racing driver Michael Christie, this screen cleaner is widely used in America by service station personnel for cleaning the windscreens (pardon, wind shields) of customers’ cars. It consists of a big sponge rubber pad and a patent hard rubber squeegee. These are sensibly mounted on a strong metal framework with a convenient wooden handle. The pad is dipped into water, dirty or clean, and the glass wiped with it, after which a few strokes with the squeegee clean the screen very effectively.

This is just the thing for winter days, even for those cars with screen-sprays. It is handy in size for storing in door pocket or on dashboard shelf and costs only 7s. 6d., or 8s. 6d. post-free from Alexander Eng. Co., Ltd., Thame Road, Haddenham, Bucks. It is good to see a British firm listing so sensible an accessory, and its value as a New Year present will not be overlooked by our readers. — W. B