"Wheel patter"


by Dudley Colley (173 pp, 10s 6d, The Talbot Press, Ltd., 89, Talbot Street, Dublin).

Amongst a welter of motoring books this ranks us a very good one. The author tells of his motoring career, from ownership of early Ivy and Calthorpe two-stroke motor-cycles to successful racing of a “chain-gang” Frazer-Nash at Phoenix Park and Cork. The scene takes place in Ireland, and trials, rallies, speed hill-climbs and merely.adventurous runs figure in this refreshing book, a 1930 Austin Seven Chummy being the author’s companion on many of these exploits. He deals, too, with a GN. (it cost £2; the price of old cars in those days will come as a shock to many !) and the “Ulster” Austin he raced.

Veteran cars and midget racing come within Colley’s experiences, and his style of penmanship presents a very clear and entertaining picture. The book is intended for the layman as well as the enthusiast, for considerable pains have been taken to make clear just what are trials, sprints, etc. This is no bad thing, for many young men and women are likely to be attracted to the Sport by Colley’s book, although insurance brokers would be ill-advised to study it ! We enjoyed every minute of it.—WB.