Reports of Recent Events, January 1951


Reports of Recent Events


BOSSOM TROPHY.—A. G. Imhof (Imhof Special). POUNDER’S CUP.—K. H. O. Burgess (Burgess). (lass A CI:P.—R. E. Lang (Austin Seven). CLASS 11 Cur.—G. Pentony (Cyclops).

Cr.ess C CUP.—A. E. Itumtitt (Allard). FIRST-CLASS AWARDS.–Rardnian (Dellow), Waring (bellow), Cotton (Cotton), Biggs (Ford), Price

(Price Special). SECOND-CLASS Awactiti.–Hollingsworth (Ford

Special), Faulkner* (Mercury), Lawson (Lotus), Day (bellow), Smith (61.0.-Ford), Roberta (Falcon), Lilley (A. W. Special), Brown (bellow).


This trial attracted an entry of 34 cars, including competitors from S.U.N.B.A.C. Shenstene, and Nottingham clubs.

The course, after recent rain, proved difficult, and stopped everyone at one section or another.

Bolt Wood (1) proved too good for every entry except H. H. Mayes (L.C.C.), one of the earlier competitors who went over the top in fine style in his Mayes Special, and repeated the performance at Springfield Farm (2) where he was equalled by only two otherq. Other sections which took their toll were College Farm, Owston Wood and South Croxton, and competitors were finally sorted by a timed reversing test in Skcilington Woods, and a timed circuit among the hills and hollows On top of the

hill at Springfield Farm. Results :

Lek. TROPHY (Best performance).—E. B. Wadsworth (Ford Special), 24 marks lost.

Jolts BULL Tgonly (Best performance by L.C.C. member).—I. 0. Willhuns (bellow), 38 marks lost.

Myr-CLASS Awsgus.—D. Baxter (bellow), 28 marks lost’, V. Ostmurnoff (bellow), 32 marks lost ; E. J. f!. Reynolds (bellow),_ 30 marks last. StiOoNn-CLASS AWARDS.—Brown (bellow), 38 marks lost ; H. F. Brayshaw (13raysliaw Special), 44 marks lost; .M. A. Hopkinson (Bancroft Special),

44 marks lost.

TEAM AWARD.—L.C.(‘.: G. Williams, H. P.

Brayshaw and B. H. Mayes (Mayes Special).


This was an all-d:ty event, and was held over an extremely d.11icult course. Results :

GOLDEN GOBLET and REPLE’A : G. Arbuckle (Austin Special), 34 marks lost.

LADY’S AWARD: Miss Corntiovalte (Morris Minor), 135 marks lost.

fintsT-CLAss AWARDS: M. E. Shanks (M.G.), 55 marks lost ; A. Farrar (14.0.), 83 marks lost; R. S. Henson (human) 65 Marks lost.

Secoan-CLAss Awaans : K. M. Harper (M.G.), 08 marks lost ,• P. J. Simpson (Healey ‘ Silverttone ” Special), 79 marks lost ; H. S. wolseley (Austin Ten), 101 marks lost.

There were fourteen ,entries for this event, and three retirements.


ROY FEODEN TROPHY.—C. L. Bold (1,080-c.c. Bold), marks lost.

ALEXANDL DUCKHAM CUP.—T. C. Harrison (1.172-c.c. f:. Milord), marks lost.

THE DAPHNE ‘t Onslow-Bartlett (996-c.c. Bartlett), :t5 marks lost.

Ttnit .1. II. Kato Cvr.–F. B. Radford (l,172-c.c. Radford), 15 marks lost.

THE BASIL BARBER MEMORIAL TROPHY.—J. Clegg (1.172-c.c. s.c. Clegg), marks lost.

THE CLUB Cur.—A. G. Indio( (1,172-c.c. s.c. Imhof Special), 6 marks lost.

THE JAMES Russan SEUELD.—” Northern Lights” Team (Clegg, Phillips, Harrison).

BEST IN TEST A.C. I,. Bold, 213.sec. nuniwr-UP Harrifion, 23.2 sec. FIRST-CLASS AWARDS.—Waring (bellow), Grump (Marden Special), Francis (11.11.11.-Mercury), Price (Price Special), Ostrouniolf (Dellow), Beat (” PB “

86cm:in-CLASS AwAnDs.—Biggs (Ford), Burgess (Burgess), Oliver (Oliver), Phillips (Oliver), Bawling’ (Vanguard Special), Morrish (” PB M.G.), Bottom (bellow).


With a thick blanket. of fog forecast all over England, competitors could not believe the clear moonlit frosty night with which they were blessed. About 50 cars of all types took part, the last competitor leaving Lea Pool Garage, Redhill, at about 11 a.m. A magnificent meal awaited them at the “Elm Tree” Inn at Hoveringliam on the River Trent, for the consumption of which everyone was allowed one hour. They were sent off on a route which included a “Colonial ” section after %Welt they made their way to Hohnpierrepoint, near Nottingham, where everyone disbanded at about 4 a.m. A most successful event ! Results:

Tin; Bonus: Tammy (for best outright performance), —D. F. Ryder (MI). “Ti) “). 3 marks lost. GENERAL CLASSIPICATION

CLASS I (open cars under 2,000-e.c.).—Ist : J. S. Hollins (Morris Eight); 2nd : J. IL Ashton (M.G. “I’D”); 3rd : G. Middup (Riley (amecock). CLASS II (closed cars under 2,000 c.c.).1st : L. 3. Rpton (Ford Ten); 2nd : if. Knight, (Hillman Pam); 3rd : E. H. Ashton (Ford Ten).

CLASS m (open oars over 2,000 c.c.).—’Merged with Class IV. CLASS IV (closed tars over 2,000 : B. Williams (Austin A70) ; 2nd : H. J. Andrew (Riley open 2-litre) 31,1 : L. A. Twigger (Bentley


vortoe.’s Cup : U. Indiof (Imhof Special), 98 marks. COMMITTEE CUP: H. LaWlson (Lotus), 92 marks. HARvEY CUP: A. E. Day (bellow), 92 marks: ALEXANDER TROPHY: W. Waring (bellow), 08


TEAM AWARD: Messrs. Imhof’s, Burgess’ and Appleton’s “Candid! ProvocatOres.” FIRST-CLASS AWARDS: Biggs (Ford Ten), Crump (ifarden), Price (Price Special), Spence (Spence). SECOND-CLASH AWARDS: Brown (bellow), Vero (bellow), Sheep (bellow), Cotton (Cotton), Stark

V.S.C.C. BISLEY MEETING (November 26th) “

See “Vintage Veerings ” for report.

VINTAGE CARS UNDER 1,500 cc.’–lst : W. F. H. Lockhart (1924 ” 12/80″ Alvis); 2nd: K. G. 0. Mon (1927 Austin Seven); 3rd : D. H. Clahagan (1926 G.P. Ougatti).

VINTAGE CARS OVER 1,500 c.0.—lst : L. Murray Austin (1929 LanciaLambda); 2nd : Capt. Castle (1926 Rolls-Royce Twenty); 3rd : H. Birkett (1930 Type 44 Bugattt). Nox-Vuersos CABS UNDER 1,600 0.c.—let: H. L. Odell (1933 Riley Mine)2nd : Miss Peggy Lambert (1948 “1,100” H.R.0.) ; 3rd: 0. S. Gwatkin (1934 Austin Seven), NON-VINTAOE OVER 1,500 0.0.—lst : H. C. Bradford (1950 Austin A90); 2nd : Major ‘hillock (Hudson



cal LT p, 1,N IJILLs !Wilt)* (best, performance):

J. C. smith (Bartlett).

FIRST-CLASS AWARDS: Biggs (Ford Ten Special), Day (bellow).

SECOND-CLASS AWARDS: Hancock (bellow), Miss Price (Price Special).

SUNBEAM-REGISTER TREASURE HUNT (December 9th) which now lists

The Sunbeam Register, which now lists over 180 Wolverhampton Sunbeams, held a Treasure Hunt starting and finishing at the ” Lambert Arins,” Aston Rowant, which attracted a good entry of these cars, the eldest of which was Carter’s 1915 army staff tourer. Apart from being a treasure hunt in which certain objects as elusive as a bus ticket, a Highway Code and a platform ticket (this area being one in which British Railways allow free access to most of their platforms !) having to be collected, competitors had to find their way round a 45-mile route by solving “clues” as well as by searching for map grid-references, and undertake a simple hill-test. They were also called upon to acquire knowledge of local “geography,” such as the age of Dinton Castle, the numbers of telephone and post boxes, and the make and type of the bacon-slicing machine in the village store at Towersey. And they were shaken profoundly at the first point, where navigators had to board a train on the local single-line railway and their drivers had to solve alone the problem of where and how to recover them ! We understand the organisers felt a little guilty at thus encouraging motorists to subsidise British Railways, hastily pointing out that the fare involved was only 51d. !

Anthony Heal turned up in his hn.maculate twin-cam 3-litre to see Mrs. Roddy start the competing Sunbeams off on their adventure, and as the mild December afternoon wore on the Clerk of the Course had to drive about very slickly in a ‘1950 Sunbeam-Talbot 90 convertible to keep in touch with the Wolverhampton cars. In the end, only three ” crews ” completed the full course. Results 1st: J. M. Maxwell, Navigator Mrs. Maxwell (1930

Twenty-Five drophead Cott*, 218 marks. 2nd: L. A. Dopping-Tiepenstal, Navigator S. B.,. Webb (1929 Sixteen coupe), 180 =rim 3rd : F. W. Joyce, Navigator A. J. Joyce (1933

Sixteen saloon), 168 marks.


I’1:1:MIER Thorny : Si. Pentuny (1,150.e.e. Cyclops), tot no marks.

MEMBERS CUP: a. L. Hancock (1,172-ex. bellowsic).

8nistors8 CUP (best 750 c.c.): K. E. Lang (747-c.e. Austin). 1,100-c.c. CLASS: D. Wyburn (747-c.c. D.H.G.Austin),

UNLIMITED CLASS: V. S. A. Biggs (1,172-c.c. Ford a/c).

FIRST-CLASS AWARDS: J. 0. SmIth (1,172-cc. Bartlett), M. H. Lawson (1,172-cc. Lotus), D. W. Price ( ,172-e.e. Price Special).

SECOND-Class AWARDS: P. D. BrOoker (1,172-e.c. E.R.P.), S. V. Lewis (1,175-c.o. Ford). Continued on page 88