

In the December MOTOR SPORT, under the heading ” In Miniature,” we recalled the clockwork P2 Alfa-Romeo of the ‘twenties and suggested that there would be a ready market today for such replicas. We have since been reminded that something of the sort is made by MinimodeLa in the form of clockwork models of John Cobb’s Railton-Mobil land speed record car and Lt.-Col. ” Goldie” Gardner’s famous Gardner-M.G. record breaker. Both are of metal construction, are realistic and have rubber tyres and freewheeling clockwork Motors wound by a device which obviates an unsightly heyhole or inconvenience of losing the key—because there isn’t one. The M.G. is 10 in. long and has correct louvres and markings. Gardner’s signature graces themodel, but could be painted out by purists. The price is 7s. 11d.

While on this subject, for those able to build from kits, and who have sonic credit inAmerica, the Hudson Miniatures kits are just the thing. We have a very rakish 1909 Hupmobile roadster made from one of these kits. It is 7i in. long and the artillery wheels, bulb horn, springs, bolster rear tank, oil tail lamps, gear and brake levers, etc., lend both realism and the correct ” atmosphere ” to a very attractive scale model. Other kits enable equally excellent models of pre-1914 model-T Ford two-seater, Stutz Bearcat, Mercer Raceabout and other ears to be made. Those readers, interested in such replicas can obtain further details of’ the Wilton-Mobil and M.G. on application from Minimodels, Ltd., Tennyson Road, Mill Hill, London, N.W.7, and of the Hudson kits from the Scranton Hobby Centre, Dept. 10, Seranton, Pa., U.S.A., on mentioning 11( >TOR SPORT.