


Left : CHRISTMAS SCENE.—.Snow made the approaches to the first four hills in the R.A.C. Championship Trial exceedingly difficult. The severe conditions are well portrayed in this ” Christmas scene ” secured by the MOTOR SPORT photographer. Right : REACHING THE LIMIT of adhesion on “John’s Delight ” in the R.A.C. Trial is J. D. Sleernan’s neat Sleernan Sports. Wharton and Imhof stopped in roughly the some place.

Bottom CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER SECOND TIME RUNNING.—Ken Wharton, in his new Austin A40-engined Wharton Austin won the 1950 R.A.C. Championship Trial just os, last year, he won it with his Ford-engined Wharton. Note the Ford front axle and suspension, and Morris Minor rack-and-pinion steering of the new car.

k • A. N me_i1, To ir () . • G. Imhof Imhof Spec in! mining to rest Oh ” I till Ile ts S Tie() in the

The blown Ford Tett engine is in the inure of the chassis. Note the drilled front zuheels and neat circular radiator cowl. NS LOW 11.-1 1,10″I’S wonderful new reel r-engined speeied mast hare been inky/mkt!, cookd during the 1.C. Trial, for its engine is Un airroofed .1.. II’. After doing well no most

sect ions the en, retired. .1. F. It’.11,S0.S 1,200-c.e. it:ST1A’ SPECL-1/, is here going well in the

snow y it..I . C . Championship Triat but it 7111-ti unphwed in. the final results. ” GASPERS 11 ELI’ 11. F. 11. Cotton and his passciayr to cowbell the odd ii, the ILA ‘Iheir k’Ord Ten-ctigined Comm Special is tackling the ‘ hump” 7chich

stopped Ni) uy at the bottom of ” Draper’s Two.” 1.’1′ SHP GOES.The lona wheels of .1. ( Fool len add;incrl ( ‘,fgt.’. whirl/ finished tenth iii. the It,. I.( Trial. clear the •• hump at ” 1 ha per’s

‘I’ll! RD u..E N THE li_ir.r. cHAmpioN-sHij fell to R. It. HU/M.’ ‘,Ural)/ -0/gitted k’airfry, her

seen on the steep gradient of” Draper’s ‘Iwo.” Phillip also kali ma, a First-Class .1ward in the ” Gloucester.” G11,11EliT 111,,W1′ eon alwn ys he relied on to Storm trials hills with the best of them in his blown ” Pit ” M.G. 11min is in the ” Glottecsler.•’ in whirl, he won it Second-1 ‘fitss

IIES7′ OP 77 I P 7’11 PP compel i tors limn I reliant in the it'(1.ti 11′ . Todd. oh’ It is for hat and the

wiry the spa re wheels are orrom In whited on his rr I I anther. lie is fuilin pother iani, on ” .10b1I-S

in fuel-1’w Cold Simi I ” /1/f ,’. ii ad (in I,, ‘win II ,

• I.VGIE through the sti ine told Shot in the ” Gloucester rho roel e rises possage O. II’ old ton . II is Dellow mite?! the Team .1713ml with that of ‘Tracey’s Delbric rind

Howl ing,s’ I ono rd. CARS I .1. 1’11 A! Gl..01.< 'ESTER"' were rolled 11/1011 (WPM Stud with roily o ;wry brief r 77ris //!?'in re shows I,. G. Ez.er ris' Offline ihri up so red corphosises the " iele rorolitions. En! 11,1 ,art II See011/1

( . iti’I I% It’ T N 7′ I: .1 O IVOIrrI1 V ! These ears arrived for ller ” G Ion rester —in this 10, ry nod were rdoorled only it short t i the iii fore the trial was doe to . Opi priou is divided on this ‘,vowing proel ire of towjog or.lor i 01 tri,,ls

(/1 1.7 tu the shirt. T ION on the hires of It’ . II. 11′;Iri HI; and his passenger as they tackle the hewer port of ( S it 11 in the Ghroo,ste r—int he 20141411117l’fi fiKe% 2ch /eh is one th, 111051 b, lhe eon y. II owez.er, it :cosi,’I sui’ei’ssJiii on this °erosion,