

M.G.M. Pilot featuring Clark (;able, Barbara Mann:gel; mut Adolphe Menjou. We referred briefly last month to the M.G.M. film ” To Please a Lady.” We have since attended the first night of this film in (.ornparsy with members of the B.R.D.C., so we can tell you some more things about it. The most important is that on must sec it. The midget racing is all but unbelievable, not because M.G.M. have ruined it, but, on the Contrary, because the excellent ” shots ” of it remind you of how this fantastically closely-fought ruing goes on all over the States. In the rain Gable takes part in it as a professional driver. Ile goes on to drive at Indianapolis in the real Grant Piston Ring Special with which Walt Faulklier broke the Indianapolis lap record before the race, at one time getting in front of Maui Rose–which must have caused fun if Maui saw the American pre-view I The filming of the 195n Indianapolis race is excellent and so is tliat of Faulkner’s successful lap record but before the race only in this ease you have to pretend he is Gable ! The final crash which proves to Barbara Stanwyek that. her beau is a ” white I an ” has the merit of being convincing. As for Barbara., she is a lady worth pleasing. The really (-lever feature is the way the prialucers have adapted the happenings at Indiaostpolis to Barre Lyndon ‘s story, the Faulkner record lap immediately talon: the start ton example. instead of vice-versa. As a result you we plenty of genuine motor raving. This film is nOW showing at the Empire, Leicester Square, arid whether you see it there, or locally, don’t miss it. Of course, it’ you wait until it Conies to your local cinema you will miss the Empire floor show and you shouldn’t do that

W. B.