"Motor Sport" Photographs
In these hard times many pleasures are denied us, and one of them is the lavish use of the camera, or even of obtaining unlimited printing paper for the reproduction of old negatives. For the latter reason, at present we cannot offer readers a decent photographic service. But it may be as well to mention that we have in our possession several thousand negatives and plates covering, in particular, the major events for the period 1935-1938 in very considerable detail. Beginning with some isolated earlier shots of High-Speed Trials, Brooklands and odd sprints, the following titles are logged for 1935 B.A.R.C. meetings, all Donington meetings, 500-Mile Race, Mannin Moar, Mannin Beg, International Trophy, I.O.M. races, both Shelsley Walsh Hill-climbs, Brighton Speed Trials, Syston Speed Trials, L.C.C. Relay Race, R.A.C. Rally, London-Gloucester -Trial, Inter-varsity and W.A.S.A. Trial, J.C.C. Brooklands Rally, Harrow C.C. Trials, J.C.C. High-Speed Trial, Ulster T.T., Le Mans, Monaco and French G.P. Of each of the more important events there are over 50 copyright action and Static pictures. The same service exists for subsequent years and the whole constitutes an extremely valuable and historic collection. We hope later to be able to offer prints to interested persons, but at present the restricted supplies of printing paper render this impossible. It might be possible to make exceptions in especially deserving cases or to loan isolated pictures if these were very urgently required by clubs for a particular purpose.