
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • TIIE PANEL • •

• • Peter 13erthoo, John Bolster. IL R. : : Godfrey, Cecil Efinber. Peter Monk I • • • Laurence • • • house. a the (ha li : • ; Pomeroy. •

• • • • TUE IDEAL CALI • • •

• • • To sell for : £100. Genunie 85 • • • • m.p.h., or 9.5-100 ;11.).11. with mild • • • boost or streamlined closed body• • de• work. 2-litre engine., strong, h •i • • • • pendent chassis. with 1-spced syn. • • • chromesh n • gearbox, or, as a extra, • ,,• 5-lied Cotal with direct drive on • • : 4th. Independent front suspension • • • and De Dion rear-axle. Coil or 4: • : torsion-lair springing, Weight : 17: • 18 cwt. as short open 2-seater or • • • • 22 cwt. as 1-seater closed car. with • • • • 10 per cent. reduction, if practicable. • • ..I., uoction ; To go fast from A to B. : • •

• not to climb goat tracks. . • • ***** **•• ***** •••••••••••••••••••••••