


So Mr. Cecil Clutton does not think me capable of solid reasoning ! I am sorry. but, naturally, I cannot

entirely agree with him, although no doubt. my old schoolmasters would. His so-called ” refutation “of my article in the October issue is merely a lot of weak sarcasm, sanc that solid reasoning of %%Inch he is so fond. I wish to know, too, which of the four ears I mentioned (2.(; M.G., B.M.W. S.S. ” Jaguar.” and Riley ” Kestrel “)

has a ” negligible ” performance, as not one of them does less than 90 miles an hour, and two of them have outstanding acceleration. All of them, Mr. Clutton, are very. N.ery comfortable ! On the other hand, the Editor’s com ments on my article were sensible, even though I cannot agree with most of them. The M.G. Midget I mentioned was proved to have a maximum speed of 92 m.p.h., the car being Mr. Marshall Thursby Pelham’s tuned, but unblown T-type. I am, Yours, etc.,

“Two-POINT-SIX.’ Viten, please, was the Thursby-Pelham ‘F-type M.G. proved capable of 92 m.p.h. ? We thought the owner claimed it to cruise at 90-95 m.p.h. in standard form and that he never convinced those disbelievers who set. the maximum of this car as 75-80 m.p.h.En.]