
Sir, Readers will no doubt rement her an article in the May. 1941, issue, entitled ” An Idea for the impecunious.” in which it was suggested that a stable of three ears of the same make, but of different types, should be .shared by two ‘enthusiasts The object being to offer two persons something of motoring sport. in quite a few il its forms, for the smallest possible expenditure. The trio suggested was

three Austin Sevens an Ulster ” or ” Nippy,a ” Chummy ” fitted with four-speed box and a saloon. At the time of reading this article I was already in possession of one-third of the suggested trio, namely, an Austin ” Ruby ” saloon. Some time after that various transactions, involving M-type M.G. and Morgan tricycle, brought me a very good ” Chummy.” Serious efforts were now made to locate an ” Ulster,’ but these being as rare as the odd drop of Scotch, nothing suitable could be found for some long time. Came the day of collection, and accompanied by a soulless individual from the local garage

bearing trade plates, the ” Ulster ” was collected and driven home. A little persuasion enabled me to have a brief drive myself, and how grand it was, the ” Ulster ” behaving as a thoroughbred should, although an old standard engine (fitted for reasons of war-time economy) reduced performance considerably. However, a hotter engine is almost ready to drop in and then, Mr. Editor, you may add another car to your register of-sports cars used on war work. The trio had been achieved. The ideal had been realised. I am, Yours. etc.,

West Wickham. A. W. lit-TLEn.