LETTERS FROM READERS-continued, January 1942


Sir, May I congratulate J. Heywood Statham on his article ? I found it such a change to read of someone claiming 74 m.p.h. after tuning instead of 96 m.p.h. before doing so, when referring to sports ears around 1,200 e.c. It is only when

people get down to real tuning that they begin to have some respect for speed and performance generally.

In this connection may I relate a true story ? Having carried out some fairly substantial tuning of a well-known small sports car and subsequently recorded some timed speed and acceleration figures,

I was discussing the results with another owner of a standard product who considered that it must have been a very poor example. Another owner who had done similar work on his own car was interested in 2 or 3 extra m.p.h. we had obtained over his results, whilst a third owner who had on several occasions raced his car at the Track was very surprised at the figures, in view of amount and degree of work compared with his own. I am, Yours etc.,

V. H. TusoN. Satiderstead,


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