

Lucas electrical equipment has gone many improvements for under

1938. Illustrated is the ” Sports ” Oil, which specially constructed to suit engines, regular sparking being up to 10,000 r.p.m., as against and 7,000 r.p.m. respectively for six and four-cylinder engines using standard. pattern coils. The coil case is waterproof, being filled under pressure with bittunimms material and sealed. For those who prefer magneto ignition the Lucas camshaft magneto is of great interest. Of vertical type, it runs at shaft speed and will spark regularly It is standardised

down to 30 r.p.m.

on the 15/98 h.p. Aston-Martin. A1 attractive folder Of Lucas available to readers, on mention of SPORT, and therein will be found tion relating to useful and practical equipment for ‘our year’s motoring. is available from Messrs. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Dept. 46, Birmingham. J.C.C. 1938 RACING PLANS The Junior Car Club announce both of their races—The International

Trophy and the 200-Mile Race—are: to be organised at Brooklands this year. In the International Trophy, the popular_ new features of last year’s event are to be repeated. First, the layout of the course is being used again, and it may be remembered that this particular circuit, which combines portions of the Campbell Road Circuit and the outer Track, gives spectators in the public enclosures the best possible views of all

aspects of long distance racing. Then again, the brilliant spectacle of a rolling mass start will be a feature of the ‘138 race. The ingeni( ws handicapping system is the special attraction of the Inter national Trophy. An arrangement of ” handicap ” corners enables cars of differing engine sizes to race side by side and on equal terms over the same distance. Although a true handicap is provided, the race has all the advantages of a scratch event.

Ile International 200-Mile Race will be run on August 27th and it. is probable that the “Campbell” circuit will be used.