


The Ford Enthusiasts’ Club Boxing Day Trial in the Petersfield area was a great success. Thirty-two entered and twenty-nine started, the non-starters being P. Pentotty (M.G.), A. D. C. ‘Gordon (Ford V8) and D. F. Scutts (L.M.B. Ford V8 taxi). The invited clubs supported the event as follows : N.W. London M.C., nine ; Kentish Border C.C., six ; Sauthsea M.C., five ; United Hospitals, one ; West Hants and Dorset, nil. The four hills were divided into :sections with varying marks for climbing each section, a very popular arrangement. Most competitors failed at the foot of the Warren, but H. G. Symmons Ford V8) and

L. G. Johnson (Type 55 Frazer-NashB.M.W.) obtained 40 out of 50 marks and A. L. S. Denyer (Lea-Francis), C. E. Crump (Riley Nine) and G. M. Crozier (Ford V8) did very well. Lythe Farm, left hand road, proved fairly easy, the failures being L. Phillipson (Ford Ten), P. Bicknell (Standard saloon) and G. Burroughs (Ford V8) all using standard tyres to acquire 50 bonus marks apiece, and Ha lock’s Morris, Mc( illwray’s blue Ford Eight saloon, Dyke Acland’s exMusketeer =blown MG. Magnette and Shackman’s Rapier. The H:R.G.s were excellent and the ” Jabberwock ” Ford team most inspiring, after Koppezilnigen had coaxed his engine into life. Aduxus failed Most people at the foot or in the first section, but H. 0. Symmons with his new L.M.B. Ford V8 (built largely under J. Hodgins at the KingsWood Service Station, Watfcird) took 50 out of a possible 60 marks and C. S. Dewey (Riley Nine), M. S. Soames (Ford V8), G. E. Rose (Ford V8) and Delver (Lea-Francis) were awarded 40 marks each, Denver’s passenger clinging to triple rear tyres and doing great work,

in vigorous bouncing. I,. M. Ballamy (L.M.B. Nine) was pushed down with .signs of engine seizure. Came Streatham Hill in two main .sections, sub-divided. The low reaches proved fairly possible, but Bicknell decided not, to attempt it on ordinary covers in an criinarv Standard family coach, and Ballamy blew the gasket of his 1,. M. B. and was towed away. Others getting no marks here were .0. E. Rose (Ford V8), G. Burroughs (Ford V8), W. S. Bennett (M.G.), Dyke Aeland (M.G.) and Shackman (Rapier). The first section of the second part of Streatham was also an acceleration test to decide ties, and here Crozier (Ford V8) had wretched luck, as his throttle control came adrift and he failed. H. 0. Symmons (L.M.B. Ford) Climbed steadily, his passenger half on the tail. Soames (Ford V8) got up with his passenger’s aid, Dewey’s Riley made it with axles dancing madly, and P. A. Meyrat. driving a Ford saloon bored out to 1,064 c.c., made. an astonishing recovery and climbed clean after an extremely fine drive. Parley’s H.R.G., just ploughed through, but Peter Clark’s H.R.G. failed with success in sight. Loader’s yellow drop-head ’33 Ford V8 made a truly spirited ascent, but Koppenhagen was more cautious and Norton came to rest. Johnson was excellent with the B.M.V. and Dargue’s sister car picked its way easily. McGillwray made a stout effort with his Ford Eight saloon, failing high up. Crozier’s Ford V8, recovered from its trouble, came up with axles and wings aliap, but no marks, alas. Kirkman’s ancient 12/50 Alvis, sans engineroom hatch, thundered up, its driver waving merrily in between tending the tiller. Rose (Ford V8) made a nice job of it, but H. B. Shaw (Ford V8) had nasty moments. Biggs (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), Delver (Lea-Francis) and Crump (Riley Nine) were others Who got full Marks. Phillipson and Burroughs made a good showing on ordinary covers. In the timed section Symmons and Sonnies tied in :1411,. secs., and Johnson took 151 The rules allowed marks to stand even

if competitors retired and Syin mons, heading the list, thus won the Team Prize in conjunction with Ballamy. Tea was taken in good time at the Royal Huts Hotel at Hindhead and the results announced. The trial was organised by the well known trials drivers, Allard and Hutchison, aided by the F.E.C. committee composed of Messrs. Fry, Canhmn, and Boddy.



names A B (ia .rgod) F,. E. Phillipson (Ford Ten).

class C: M. S. Sonnies (Ford VS).

(lass 1) : A. L. S. :Denyer (Le.a.Eranei8).

(lass E Symmons ( L.M.B. Ford). First-Class Awards : Lolder (Ford vs),

.W.). 1)ew R ey (FL Niiie). L. 1i. •lohnson (Frazer-Nash

Second-Class Awards : V. S. A. Biggs (FrazerNash-B.M.W.). 1). P. E irkman (Alvis), and C. F. (.rump (Ri!ey).

Team Award : Team :—Sytnnions and !.,11;tiny (L.M.B.$).

Runners-ap : Stutzarshwagen team :—Dewey and Dyer (Rileys).