

Under the able leadership of Mr. ” Bunny ” Dyer, the J.C.C. moves from strength to strength, as was shown by the gathering of over 400 members and friends at the annual Dinner and Dance held at the Park Lane Hotel. The club roll now shows a membership of over 2,000.

The toast of the Junior Car Club was proposed by the Duke of Richmond, who congratulated the .Club on its continued growth. Always progressive and On the look-out for new and popular events, the Committee had decided to revive, in 1936, the famous 200 miles race, and were fortunate once again to have as the chief trophy the magnificent Gold Cup presented many years ago by Mr T. 13. Andre, together with a substantial cash prize. The race’ was, of course, held for Several years ‘at Brooklands and was in fact the first long-distance race held there. The revived fixture would be held on the Donington circuit, and a date had been secured on the International Calendar for the 29th August. Professor A. M. Low, Chairman of the Club, found that much he had to say had been already announced by the

Duke of Richmond, so told a few snappy stories in his inimitable style and sat down. The Duchess of Richmond presented Irizes to the holders of the winning mini

bered menus, and the gathering then adjourned for dancing. A lavish cabaret show which included the chorus from

Stop-Go ” (much applauded) added to the success of the evening.