


With the idea of keeping in touch with their Many friends in the automobile trade, Messrs. Alexander Duckham & Co., Ltd., issue regularly a most interesting little magazine called ” Links.” The current number contains -a fully illustrated description of a visit to the Ford Works at Dagenham ; an informative article on ” Wear ” ; a treatise on the causes and cure of skin diseases which are prevalent among factory users of lubricating oil ; a well illustrated article on motor-racing, flying and motor-boats; a short account of the different types of political rule now in force all over the world ; and last, but by no means least, a résumé of the history of the firm of Alexander Duckham & Co., Ltd., with particular reference to the Chairman and Managing Director.

It is interesting to note that Mr. Duckham attributes his success in the scientific study and production of lubricating oil to the encouragement of his godfather, Sir Alfred Yarrow, the famous marine engineer and philanthropist. “

Links” May be obtained post free from Duckham House, 16, Cannon Street, London, E.C. 4.


From now until the end of March we enter on the most arduous period of Britain’s winter. Severe frost may be expected at any time, and it is most advisable to use some sort of anti-freeze mixture in your radiator.

A new preparation of this sort called ” Voeo Anti-Freeze” has just been introduced by the Vacuum Oil Co,, Ltd., makers of the famous ” Mobiloil ” lubricating oils. Pink in colour, ” Voco ” has to be mixed with a given quantity of water, and the mixture can be left in the radiator for the whole winter. Its remarkable qualities are that ” Voco ‘! does not smell, it is clean, it is not inflammable, and it will not evaporate. It is sold in two sizes, No. 1, 8s. 6d. ; No. 2, 15s.


For the last six years the Ever Ready Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., have run an annual ” Selling Fortnight,” which was this year the subject of a prosecution in the Halifax Borough Court. Mr. A. H. Sheppard, a director, was charged with unlawfully aiding and abetting the publication of a scheme for the sale of ,chances in a lottery, contrary to Section 41 of the Lotteries Act, 1832. Mr. Barratt, prosecuting, referred to a certain advertisement which appeared on October 1st, announcing that if anyone who was purchasing Every Ready products was given by the firm’s representative a free voucher, one of 500 which were being distributed, that voucher could be

exchanged for worth of the firm’s products. Mr. Maude, for the defence, said that for six years the police, having seen nothing wicked in the scheme, had taken no action whatever. It could be imagined

that the directors of the company who, like the Bench, were people of good sense, were absolutely astonished when, after so many years, it was considered in Halifax that there had been an infringement of the Lottery Acts. Under the Act any person convicted was regarded as ” a rogue and a .vagabond.” It was One of those ludicrous things dating back to 1832, that were absolutely fantastic in the light of the present day. However the firm had decided that nothing like this should occur again.

The Bench retired to consider th.eir decision. After a short absence they returned, and the Chairman said : ” We have decided to dismiss the case on payment of the costs-2 10s. 9d.”


The electrical equipment of a motor car still remains the most mysterious part to the average motorist. He may be quite good mechanically, but if the dynamo gives trouble, or the lighting system gets out of order, he generally takes. the next train home.

Messrs. Ripaults, Ltd., the well-known manufacturers, have conceived the excellent idea of producing a periodical containing useful notes and articles on electrical equipment. An important feature is to be the Correspondence Section, where ” Club” Members will be able to pass on to their fellow motorists the causes and cures of some of their troubles in this direction.

The ” Carrycurrent Club Chronicle ” can be obtaink.d, post free, from Ripaults, Ltd., King’s Road, London, N.W. 1.


The Frazer Nash Car Club has an impressive array of awards, held for one year by members who are most successful in different branches of motor sport. For 1934 they have been awarded tO, the following :—

The A klington Cup (Reliability Trials).—Mrs. .:11-nne Needham ; runner-up, J. Tweedale.

The Botterell Trophy (Veteran Nashes).–H. Patrick Widen ; runner-up, Howard P. Dawbarn.

The Mitchell-Thomson Cup (Teams).—Stanley Cup Team (D. Aldington, G. Casswell, R. H. Eccles, D. M. Dent, R. G. Percival).

The Selsdon Bowl (AI) Round Performance).—D. G. Hopkins and Hon. 1′. Mitchell-Thomson; runner-up, Alan S. L. Whiddington.

The Twentyman Cup (Speed Events).—G. Casswell ; runner-up, Roy H. Eccles.


One of those charming little ceremonies, at which the French are so adept, took place recently in Paris at the Ecu de France. Robert Senochal and Jean Colin were the organisers, and their purpose was to celebrate the nomination to the rank of Chevalier dans l’ardre de la Legion d’honneur of those famous sportsmen, Rene Thomas and Michel Dore. The chair was taken by M. Louis Delage, under whose colours Thomas raced so successfully for many years. Many well-known figures in French

motoring and aviation circles were present, and a pleasant air of informality characterised the proceedings. In his speech, ,M. gave a brief outline of Rene Thomas’s achievements on land and Michel Dore’s in the air, and his sentiments of praise and admiration for both men were echoed by the general company.


All who have remarked the rapid strides in competition made by Singers during the last two years will be familiar with the name of J. R. H. Baker, ” Roddy” to his friends. A regularly successful competitor in reliability trials, Baker was also one of the first to take advantage of Donington Park as a genuine, if miniature, road-circuit. His biggest race has been Le Mans, where he was partnered by Black.

We are indebted to the Sunbae News, published by the Sutton Goldfield and N. Birmingham M.C., for some interesting details of Baker’s activities in other spheres of speed. For seven years he served with the 605 County of Warwick Bomber Squadron, during which period they won the Esher Trophy four times and were runners-up on two other occasions. In 1931 he had the honour to attend the King’s Levee, but that same year saw his flying clays nearly come to an untimely end. In an appalling crash Baker was severely injured, while the unfortunate pilot was killed.

But the lure of speed in some form or other is not easily eradicated from a man, and Baker then took up motoring seriously —and successfully, we might add. His secondary hobby, incidentally, is the breeding and coursing of greyhounds. More speed !


A most remarkable machine has been constructed at lorgans, the Automobile Engineers and Turners of 171, Harrow Road, London. The aim of the designers has been to eliminate the waste of time and the inaccuracy of testing and tuning on the road. For a standard charge of 10s. 6d. you can have your car tested as to its brake horse-power running, temperature, ignition timing, carburetter adjustment, propeller shaft whip, brakeefficiency, back axle adjustment and wear, fuel consumption, wheel-balance, and its most appropriate fuel.

From the racing point of view it will be seen that the machine has distinct possibilities. Various fuels and mixtures can be tried while the car is still running, switching from one to the other and checking the power output at the same time. In the same way gear ratios, ignition timing, wheel sizes and tyre pressures can all be determined to a nicety, reducing the actual track-testing to a minimum. Not the least useful of the machine’s functions is in tracing those mysterious sounds caused by wear in one part or another of a car’s anatomy.