

There is something of the ” grand manner” about Whitney Straight that cannot fail to excite the whole-hearted admiration of everyone who values deeds, and not merely words. The latest achievement of this remarkable American is to pay a flying (literally I) visit to South Africa and collect first place in the first South African Grand Prix.

Sending one of his Maseratis, his young brother Michael’s Railton-Terraplane, and R. J. B. Seaman’s M.G. Magnette by sea, attended by a mechanic, he then proceeded by air in his own aeroplane to South Africa, bearing the two other drivers with him. On arrival he found the whole of East London a-ferment with preparations for

the great race. As described in our last issue, the Marine Drive Circuit measures 16 miles of beautifully surfaced road, and is extremely fast. Every effort to perfect the circuit was made by the local authorities, and £5,000 was expended on widening three bridges which might have been dangerous. Naturally the race was run on handicap, in order to bring together on a level footing the various types of cars entered. Here is the full list of entries : Whitney Straight (Maserati), Michael Straight (Railton-Terraplane), R. T. Rohr (M.G. Midget), G. Collins (Willys Silverstreak), A. S. du Toit (Adler), D. Van Reit (Austin), V. Berrenge (D.K.W.), J. Whitehead (M.G. Midget), S. Mackenzie

(Ford V8), R. J. B. Seaman (M.G. Magnette), D. A. Tullis (Talbot), L. Rosengana (Terraplane), J. Williamson (Frazer Nash), J. Haywood (Riley), W. Ross (Terraplane), N. Meyer (Austin 65), W. Case (Ford V8), R. T. Cochrane (Plymouth) and J. Petersen (Plymouth).

At the time of going to press only scant details of the race itself are available. Suffice it to say that Whitney Straight ran through the whole field from the scratch mark, taking the lead on the fifth of the six laps and easing up to win at 93 m.p.h. Second came one of the Fords, with Michael Straight making a most successful racing debut in finishing third at 89 rn.p.h.—a good deal faster than the Ford.