

The Regulations are now to hand of the forthcoming R.A.C. Rally and Coachwork Competition, which is to be held on March 26th-30th next. They can be obtained, together with entry forms, from the Secretary, R.A.C., Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1, or from any R.A.C. Branch Office.

This year the finishing point will be Eastbourne. On arrival the competing cars will be parked in the Corporation Coach Station and Prince’s Park, while the Rally Headquarters will be situated at the Grand Hotel. As usual, the route to be covered will be approximately 1,000 miles in length from each of the nine starting points. Below we give the intermediate controls on the routes :

Buxton (start). Newcastle-on-Tyne, Llandudno, Tenby, Skegness, Eastbourne.

Edinburgh (start). Harrogate, King’s Lynn, Llandudno, Tenby, Eastbourne.

Harrogate (start). Edinburgh, Scarborough, Llandudno, Tenby, Eastbourne.

Leamington (start). Newcastle-on Tyne, Llandudno, Tenby, King’s Lynn, Eastbourne.

Liverpool (start). Newcastle-on-Tylie, Skegness, Llandudno, Tenby, Eastbourne.

Ltandrindod Wells (start), King’s Lynn, Scarborough, Llandudno, Tenby, Eastbouree.

London (start). Truro, Leamington, Llandudno, King’s Lynn, Eastbourne.

Torquay (start). I.earnington, Scarborough, Llandudno, Tenby, Eastbourne.

Great Yarmouth (start). Cheltenham, Skegness, Llandudno, Tetiby, Eastbourne.

Certain points will be noticed on studying the above routes. First of all there is plenty of Cross country work to be done, demanding good map reading. Then, it will be seen that all the competitors, with the exception of those starting from London, will have to cover the road between Llandudno and Tenby, i.e., from the extreme north to the extreme south of hilly Wales.

In the usual way competitors can choose their own starting point, with the proviso that only 100 cars will be accepted for each starting control. It is worth noting that there were 326 entrants in 1932, 353 in 1933, and the maximum 400 in 1934. A new rule to be observed is that in the Road Section there will be one class only, all cars having to average 26 m.p.h. for the whole distance. There is on specified schedule between the controls

and competitors therefore have the chance to make up time and earn a rest. Every car must carry at least two drivers, one of whom must not drive for more than seven hundred miles of the journey.

Having spent two days and two nights on the road, the competitors will arrive at Eastbourne during the morning of March 29th. • The cars will be immediately examined for damage and breakages, and marks will be deducted accordingly. Then they will be left in the open until the following morning, the only coverings allowed being those carried on the car on the Road Section.

The next morning, Friday, the cars have to be started from cold and moved away within 5 minutes to take part in the Eliminating Tests. To prevent special tuning and preparation the nature of the tests will not be revealed until the Competitors arrive at Eastbourne. For the Eliminating Tests the cars will be divided in four classes, according to their horse-power, with further subdivisions for open and closed cars.