

I 4A ST NI I N UTE entries are a traditional feature of the Monte Carlo Rally, and the latest and presumably final list brings the total number of cars up to 120. One hundred and forty-six entries were received last year, and the falling-off in numbers may be due partly to the sporting nature of the event being reduced by equalising the marks received by cars from Athens and those starting from the easier West European starting points. One of the most notable absentees is the firm of Hotchkiss, which usually sends cars from each of the four or five most highly marked starting points. After winning the premier award for the past three years no doubt Automobiles Hotchkiss think they have sufficiently proved their cars, and this year are contenting themselves with offering a cup for a similar series of

three successive wins. Gas and Trevoux, whose names appear at the head of the list, will therefore not be taking part in this year’s event. Two Bugattis are shown in the early part of the list so far published, and it will be interesting to see if these are the new 3.3-litre cars. Wirnille’s car, which naturally is a Works entry, will certainly be a “3.3,” and his present intention is to start from Stavanger. Another useful car from this starting point will be the Lagonda Rapide driven by the airman and hero of the England-Australia England flight, Cathcart-Jones, and if the car does not prove too long for the

“Figure of Eight” may easily figure prominently in the final results. Pelham Burn (Riley) and Ridley (Triumph) will be two of the few starters from Palermo. Mrs. Wisdom is trying Athens, but otherwise Umea seems the favourite foreign starting point for British competitors. The promised team of Mercedes-Benz cars does not seem to have materialised, and so far only one of the B.M.W’s. which will have a new

interest for Rally ” fans ‘ now they are being introduced into England by the Fraser Nash concern.

1. Gas and Trevoux (Hotchkiss).

2. I), M. Healey (Triumph).

3. Rupert Riley (Riley).

4. H. E. Symons (M.G.).

5. S. C. H. Davis (Railton Terraplane).

6. M. Sontag (Ford).

7. Squad.-Leader Fullerton (Sunbeam). 8. J. A. Beeck

9. A. C. Scott (Bentley).

10. B. Neatufu (Ford).

11. G. Bakker Sc.hut Voorburg (Ford).

12. J. F. J. M. Casparie (Pontiac).

14. P. Runeiman (Alvis).

15. F. S. Barnes(Singer).

16. E. A. G. Cornelius (D.K.W.).

17. G. E. Scott (Bentley). .

18. J. Lange (Auto. Union Wanderer).

19, T. C. Griffiths (Riley).

20. F. Ribiero Ferriera (Railton Terraplane).

21. Jack Hobbs (Riley).

22. Major P. E. M. Douglas-Morris (Ford).

93. J. C. Ridley (Triumph).

24. V. E. Leverett (Triumph).

25. Stocelet and Bliss d’Orimont (Ford).

26. S. J. Join, (Morris).

97. P. Bertin (Bugatti).

26. 0. J. Salovaara (Chevrolet).

29. R. Pelham Burn (Riley).

30. L. Westren Doll (Ford).

31. G. H. Wrede (Ford).

32. E. A. Donny (Riley). .

33. Miss J. Astbury (Singer).

34. B. N. Wilmott and D. E. Calder (Rover).

35. Bon W. van Tuyll.van Seroskerken (Ford). 36, J. 0. Maury and H. J. Royer Collard (B.N.C.)

37. Mine. Mareuse and Mlle. Gonnot (Peugeot).

38. 0. Enholna (Chevrolet).

39. W. Hedensjo (Ford).

40. G. de Lavalette and de Cortanze (Peugeot). 41. Carlsen and Knusteu (Chevrolet). •

42. Mme. Leblanc and Mlle. Hustinx (Peugeot).

43. W. Harney and F. A. Evans (Austin).

44. N. R. Farmer (Alois).

45. Mrs. E. M. Wisdom (Chrysler).

-16. Th. H. Wisdom tChrysler).

47. T. G. Moore (A.C.).

48. J. Gamier and Ch. Nazzaro (Fiat).

49. W. T. Maidens and Dr. A. S. Wilson (Riley).

50. Sir R. Gunter (Merced4s-Benz).

51. Ch. Lahaye and R. Quatresous (Renault).

52. W. H. ‘room (Ford).

53. H. Battu (Hudson).

54. Bon J. J. C. Taets van Amerongen (Ford).

55. MissI. Dame Brandt and Miss Christiansen(X).

56. R. Carriere and J. Vial (Peugeot).

57. Dr. M. Hanganutz and M. Sirlincan (Chrysler).

58. Miss M. D. Patten (Alvis). 59. H. L. G. Koopman (B.M.W.)

60. H. Th. van Marken (Talbot).


99. .100. WI.

M. Contet (Peugeot).

L. Pascoe (Talbot). P. E. Cousin (Buick).

A. M. Accarie and R. Gregoire (Renault). Lt.-Col. A. Berlescu (Ford).

Lord P. Crichton Stuart (Alvis).

Dr. A. Cappelli (Fiat).

N. Black (Singer).

I). E. Harris (Singer).

R, Guyot (Renault). J. van der Heyden and G. Uyt den Bogaerdt


W. M. Coffey (Bean).

J. W. Whalley (Ford).

R. P. Gardner (Singer).

R..Husen and H. Larsen (Fiat).

H. B. Browning (Graham).

M. Gauthier and J. Cyrano (Studebaker).

Mine. M. j. Marinovitch and Mlle. Lamberjack (Ford).

R. Grant Ferris (Bentley). 0. Cathcart-Jones (Lagonda).

G. Descollas (Bugattil.

B. Jakobson and E. Kansky (Amilcar).

C. L. Sanders (S.S. Swallow).

E. von Knorring (Ford).

J. de Gavardie and R. Biolay (Atifilear).

J. de Clereq (Graham).

J. U. C. Bedrich Arkenberg (Tatra).

M. Fichet and 0. Falk (Rosengart).

V. Azpilieueta (Delage).

W. Zweerts de Jong (Swallow).

R. J. Morton (Morris).

P. Vallee-Lasne (Renault).

Jhr. M. R. van Lennep (Triumph).

Mrs. M. J. Cotton (M.G.).

M. Pinsolle (Renault).

Dr. L. Billon (Renault).

C. Balester (Hudson).

M. Weisz (Ford).

S. H. Light (S.S.).

P. W. Makinstin (Lagonda).

H. W. Hillegaart (Adler).

J. P. Wimille-Leygonie (Bugatti).

Mmes. Rouault and Thibault (Delahaye).

Rouxel-.Quinlin (Peugeot).

Mine. G. F. D. Junkers (Chrysler-Plymouth).

F. Giunta (Ford).

E. I). Lee ancrCh. Lewin (M.G.).

A. Sebag Montefiore (A.F.N.).

Miss M. Anderson (Riley).

Ch. Duruy and A. Bouchez (Renault).

R. Bravard (Hudson).

Cte. de Zassetzky (Graham).

Miss M. Allan (A.C.).

P. F. M. Kessels (Hillman).

Dr. M. T. Minshall (Singer).

J. T. Fermont and J. B. Tissot (Mercedes-Benz).

G. J. W. Zehuisen (Wolseley). Cue. Ch. Polis-Homberg (Ford).

N. Fis.sette-Tielens (Ford). J. Nowak (Ford).

Mlle. S. des Forest and Mme Silt” (Triumph)..