Club News, January 1935


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South Midland Centre A.C.U.

The December number of the ” South Midland Review ” contains two significant articles on current road legislation. First of all the promised increase in insurance premiums is blamed On to the leniency of juries in awarding damages. In the words of the writer, ” As it is realised by all concerned that a company with enormous reserves is to be Called upon to pay out, many awards are made with a heavy hand.”

In the second article attention is drawn to the ridiculous situation regarding the uncontrolled crossings decorated with Belisha Beacons. Pedestrians are allowed to step off in the path of oncoming vehicles, and on wet roads the danger of skids and pile-ups is considerable. It is pointed out that even on a dry non-skid surface a car takes at least 40 ft. to pull up from a speed of 30 m.p.h.—the limit in built-up areas. To this distance has to be added another 30 ft. to allow the driver to make up his mind.

A thoroughly common-sense little magazine.

N.W. London M.C.

The opening sentence of the Editorial in the ” Gazette” for December contains the words ” It is becoming more difficult each year to find hills which can really stop modern cars equipped with the very latest” knobblies.” Many competitors in the ” Gloucester ” will find this modesty on the part of the officials just a little too excessive, bearing in mind their experiences on Juniper, Mutton, Old Hollow and the Ladder !

A full report of the London to Gloucester Trial appears elsewhere in this issue.

Bugatti Owners Club.

The Fifth Annual Night Trial took place on November 24th, starting at 11 p.m. from Chorley Wood. A compact entry of 20 cars was received from the organising club, and the invited M.G., Fra.zer Nash and Lagonda Clubs.

The usual route was followed via the Chilterns to the Cotswolds. En route the competitors had to negotiate a timed ascent of Onc.e-famous Kop Hill, where A. G. I3ainton made fastest time with his r. YPe 43 four-seater Bugatti ; another timed ascent, in the case of Cockshutt Hill; an acceleration and brake test, where Ba.inton again excelled ; and two observed hills. This route was not too difficult, and Only two competitors failed to check in at the finishing point, the Abbey

Malvern. The Team. Award went, appropriately enough, to the Bugattist, represented by Col. G. M. Giles (3.3-litre), A. C. Bainton (2.3-litre) and K. W. Bear (3.3-litre).

Great West M.G.

The results of the Thatcher Trophy Trial, held on November 18th, were as follow :—

Thatcher Trophy.—F. G. S. Cook (M.G. Magnette). Visitors Cup.—P. 13. Clark (Singer Le Mans). Ladies Cup.–Mrs. Warburg (M.G. Magna).

Second Class Awards.—J. H. Hibbitt (M.G. Midget), Q. F. Connell (Singer Le Mans), J. G. C. Bond (Morris Minor), W. E. C. Greenleaf (Morris Minor), C. A. M. May (M.G. Midget), G. N. Watson (M.G. Magna), Mrs. Warburg (M.G. Magna), H. j. Craxford (M.G. Midget).

iThird Class Awards.—A. G. Wills (Raleigh), C. S. Parrott (Singer), F. G. Stingess (Singer), J. R. Cattii (Singer), A. T. K. Debenham (Singer), H. E. Richards Singer), P. Whitehead (Riley), F. R. G. Spikins Singer), 0. B. Bennett (M.G. Midget), D. A. Murray Fraser Nash), W. S. Fielding (Singer).

Team Awards.—l. N. W. London M.C. (Messrs. Bond, Greenleaf • and Wood, all on Morris Minors) ; 2, Singer No. 1 Team (Messrs. Parrott, Stingers and Catto).

The fastest times recorded in the various special tests were as follow : Maiden’s Grove Driving Test, W. R. K. Silcock (Frazer Nash), 30.4 secs. ; Sloe Gin Stop and Restart, J. H. Hibbitt (M. G. Midget 32), 13.2 secs ; Lewknor Brake Test, N. V. Terry (Frazer Nash), 6 secs.

The Amateurs’ Car Racing Club.

The Secretary wishes to apologise for any delay that has occurred in replying to applicants for details and membership. He has been quite snowed-under with correspondence.

The club has now become established at Cathcart House, Lower Regent Street, S.W., telephone Whitehall 2025, to which address all communications should be addressed.

Car and other badges will be available shortly and particulars of same will be circulated.

Motor cycle riders are now admitted to membership in all three grades, a motor cycle section having been approved by the Committee.

A general meeting of members will shortly be called to decide upon a programme for 1935.

Singer M.C.

The results of the first Annual Sporting Trial arrived too late for inclusion in our last issue, so we give them below. The trial was notable for a difficult driving test at the Singer private track, and for a ” real” hill in Kit* John’s. The latter was in such dire condition that only two people made clean climbs, Miss Richardson (Ford V8) and Henry Laird (MtEvOy Special). The former, by virtue of losing fewer marks in the driving test, won the award for the best performance of the day, a really magnificent of ort.


Purse of five guineas, for best performance of the day, and the ” 83(.8.” Trophy, for best performance by a visitor : Miss S. Richardson (Ford V8). Bullock Trophy, for best performance by a Singer M.C. member : J. R. H. Baker (1.493 Singer). Ladies’ Trophy, for bestiperformance by ui all-feminine crew : Mrs. M. M. Riley (847 M.G.). Runner-up Award : Miss P. Blathwayt (847 M.G.). Patrick Trophy, for best performanc.e under 1,100 c.c. : R. Hancock (847 M.G.). Barnes Trophy, for best performance over 1,100 c.c. : H. Laird (1,454 McEvoy Hornet). Team aTrophy ngie y Singer M.C. ” A (Barnes, Baker and First-class Awards.—A. H. Langley (1,493 Singer),

J. A. M. Patrick (1,493 Singer), J. A. Bastock, J. F. Kemp, F. 1. Allen, C. A. N. May and G. N. Mansell (all 847 M.G’s), J. Priestley (1,458 Riley), H. R. Attwood (1,287 M.G.).

Owing to no clean performance being made, the first-class award standard was reduced to 85 instead of 100 marks.

Kentish Border C.C.

Held at the end of November, the Club’s first big trial turned out to be a well-organised and thoroughly enjoyable event. Fifty-four competitors set out from the Larklield Road House, near Maidstone, and soon arrived at the restarting test at Hognore, which was fairly difficult. White Horse Hill was Climbed successfully by nearly everyone, the star climb being made by W. J. Green (Frazer Nash). After negotiating some slippery grass tracks the competitors arrived at Switchback, where 15 people stopped. Then came an acceleration test on Luva Slope, whore Miss Goodban showed her exceptional skill at this sort of thing by clocking 31secs., this fastest time being equalled by Mrs. Goodall. Something new in special tests was provided by the ” Come-Back.” This was quite a simple affair, drivers having to accelerate for 25 yards, reverse for 15, and accelerate once more for another 15 yds. The best time here was made by P. B. Clarke (Singer) and G. Alexander (M.G.). There was only one more hill between the competitors and the finish, Blackwell Bank, which gave no trouble

at all.


Alexander Trophy : F. W. Redhead (972 Singer). Visitors’ Cup : Miss Gotidban (972 Singer). Teem Award : Kentish Border No, 2 Team –G. H. Alexander (M.G.), H. B. Shaw (M.G,), K. F. Rowe (M.G.). First-class Awards : C. S. Gibbs (972 Singer); H. J. Johnson (972 Singer); S. E. H. Bowyer (847 M.G.) G. H. Alexander (847 M.G.) ; H. 13. Shaw (1,287 M.G. •

K. F. Rowe (1,287 M.G.) ; S. Inahoff (972 Singer F. E. Elgood (2,998 Bentley).