
PARTICULARS OF THE 1934 R.A.C. RALLY. Particulars of the 1934 R.A.C. Rally

are now available. The Rally will take place on 13th-17th March, and the finishing point will be Bournemouth. There will be nine starting points, viz., London, Leainington, Bath, Norwich, Buxton, Harrogate, Liverpool, Newcastleon-Tyne and Glasgow. Not more than 100 competitors will be permitted to start from any one control, and the total number of entries will be limited to four hundred.

A Coachwork Competition will be held on the last day of the Rally, only those competitors who have completed the Road Section being eligible to compete.

Hitherto the Rally Regulations have contained full particulars of the Eliminating Tests which are carried out on the fourth day of the Rally, and which generally serve to decide the destination of the numerous awards. As a consequence competitors have had unlimited opportunities not only for practising for the various tests, but in many cases to adapt or tune their cars in such a manner as to give them an advantage over other competitors to whom such opportunities are not available. The effect of this has been to handicap to some extent the private entrants in the Rally in competition with the trade entries.

In an endeavour to give as far as possible equal opportunities to all competitors in next year’s Rally, the R.A.C. will not disclose the nature of the Eliminating ‘rests until the competitors have completed the 1,000 Miles Road Section of the Rally and have arrived at Bournemouth.

On arrival on Thursday, 15th March, therefore, the cars will be examined for condition in the usual way ; competitors will then be handed a paper giving complete details of the Eliminating Tests ; the cars will be locked up for the night, and on the following morning will be driven through the tests without any preliminary practice.

The cars are divided into three categories, according to R.A.C. horse power rating. These are :—Cars over 16 h.p., cars over 10 h.p. up to 16 h.p., and cars up to 10 h.p. The entry fee is 23 3s., except where the entrant is a member of the R.A.C. or its associated clubs, when it will be 22 2s. Entries close 5th February, 1934. The average speeds will be 26 m.p.h. for Class I, 24 h.p.h. for Class II, and 22 m.p.h. for Class III. Competitors are credited with 200 marks at the beginning of the Rally, and may report at intermediate Controls on their route at any

time during the period of its opening without penalty. At the final control at Bournemouth, marks will be deducted in the case of arrival more than five minutes before the time allotted to each competitor, at the rate of two marks per minute, and for late arrival more than ten minutes after the scheduled time one mark per minute will be deducted, with a limit of 60 minutes late.

The usual Route Book will be carried and has to be stamped at controls. Every car must carry a mininnun of 2 passengers, and no driver may drive the car for a distance greater than 700 miles. Bonus marks are not awarded for extra passengers.

The size of wheels, tyres, gear and backaxle ratios may not be varied during the Rally, and the engine and carburettors may be sealed. This regulation and the fact that the final tests will be kept secret until the afternoon of arrival will put trade and amateur on a more equal footing.

Apart from the three Premier Trophies, there will be five additional ones in each class, and also Manufacturers’ and Clubs’ Team Prizes.

The Regulations of the R.A.C. Rally may be obtained from the Secretary, Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.