

AN extraordinarily severe touring test has just been completed in America. It took place in Death Valley, the hottest and lowest spot in America and the object of the test was to try out the efficiency of Mobiloil as a lubricant. A Plymouth sedan was selected for the test. It was stripped of its radiator, and without a drop of water in its cooling system, it was driven for ten hours on the sun-scorched floor of Death Valley. Ten hours in the scorching heat with the

thermometer at 130°F. was too much for one driver. Drivers were therefore changed periodically. This was done without stopping the car or engine, so that there was no abatement in the punishment to which the car and lubricant were subjected. Temperatures were enormously high. The carburetter temperature was 176°, the crankcase oil 200°, the cylinder wall 405°, the cylinder head 490°. These are all much higher than any car would normally encounter in actual service. Mobil

oil functioned perfectly throughout ; there was no loss of power, no bearing failure ; and at the end no scored cylinders.

Following the endurance test the car, with full equipment, was made to do a 1,000-mile drive in second gear at 30 m.p.h. Then it was driven on a wild jaunt from Death Valley as far as motor cars can go up the side of Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the United States. At the end of its journey it was examined and found to be in perfect running order.