Rex Mays Wins at Ascot.



BY Our American Correspondent T. MERIWETFIER-SMITH

Rex Mays Wins at Ascot.

THE sensational 22-year old , Rex Mays, driving his neat little Hispano Special, has displaced Ernie Triplett in the contest for the Pacific South West A.A.A. Championship, and has gained a most popular position with the thousands of motor race lovers in California. Mays captured three races during October and early November, and was placed high in two others, maintaining a slight advantage over Triplett, Al Gordon and Kelly Petillo, who follow him in that order, at this writing, in the title chase.

Gordon has been making rapid gains on Triplett and Mays however, and has a very slim chance of winning the sectional Championship. A little-known and inexperienced pilot, ” Babe ” Stanyer, was killed at Ascot in a terrible crash on October 29th.

Sall Awarded Eastern Title. Bob N.

Bob Sall, Paterson, N. J., speeder, piloted his Vance Special to victory in a 5 mile heat at Richmond, Virginia, Nov ember 11th, and became the 1933 Eastern

Champion. Sall, leading the feature race at the 15th lap, was forced out with a broken petrol line, and saw Billy Winn, of Missouri, go on to win the 301ap race from Ken Fowler and Johnny Hannon. Winn was awarded the $1,000 Quinlan Trophy for being the most consistent winner on speedways under the control of Ralph Hankinson. Sail’s victory at Richmond was preceded by triumphs at Raleigh and Spartanburg, giving him sufficient points to pass Hannon in the sectional title race. Hannon has only recently recovered from injuries sustained at Mineola, Long

California Road Race Plans. Plans are for the

Plans are rapidly taking shape for the return of road-racing to California. ” Bill ” Pickens, dean of American motor race publicity agents, William White, noted race-car manager, and a group of Los Angeles business men have completed details for two fine events. The first date mentioned was December 10th, but this has been postponed to February 22nd,

1934, in order to allow more time in which to construct course and grandstands.

The races will be run on a specially designed course at the Los Angeles Municipal Airport. The track will be over two miles in length, roughly oval shaped, with a hair-pin bend in the centre of the back stretch. There will be five sharp corners in the course, and the racing cars will be visible from the grandstands at all times.

The first race, held in the morning, will be a 200-mile stock-cars event, with no Championship point awards. There will be a 2-hour intermission between this event and the final 200-mile Championship race for strictly race cars. This event will decide the National A.A.A. Championship for 1933, as Louie Meyer, Lou Moore, Wilbur Shaw, and Chet Gardner are in a very close contest for the honour. Substantial prize money has been offered, and the Gilmore Oil Company has donated a gold loving-cup to the winner of the race car event.

Fred Wagner Passes. It is with the and sorrow

It is with the deepest regret and sorrow that I record the death, on November 5th, of Fred ” Pop ” Wagner, aged 67, the starter of great American motor racing classics over a period of 25 years. Mr. Wagner was injured in January, 1932, and never completely recovered from the shock. He was beloved by all race drivers and officials, and his passing is deeply mourned in motor circles throughout the nation.