Those Twelve Best Touring Cars.


Those Twelve Best Touring Cars.

SIR,—In Mr. Nicolson’s letter in your last issue, -he makes a list of cars which in his opinion are the twelve best touring cars in the world. May I suggest the Bugatti Royale Chassis with an open body.

I have not seen one of these models— there is to the best of my knowledge only one in the country, which belongs to a Captain C. W. Foster—but if the workmanship in this model is of the same quality as their racing machines I should certainly place it among the first dozen.

The facts I had about the Berliet conic from a ,mechanic in the garage some six months before Mr. Boddy’s letter—so perhaps there is some excuse for the inaccuracies. I am, yours, etc.,

W. P. WOOD. Ashtrees, Billingham-on-Tees,

Co. Durham.