Road Death Statistics.


Road Death Statistics.

SIR.,—The recent figures published by the Ministry of Transport show that out of 3,025 road fatalities in the first six months of this year, 1,171 occurred to pedestrians ” crossing or running into the road.”

The majority of these were due, admittedly, to the carelessness Or thoughtlessness of the victims themselves. At the same time there is the possibility that the motorist involved in the accident, even though exonerated from blame, might have been able to save the situation if he had been more skilled and. careful or if his car had had better brakes.

All British motor car manufacturers have for some years past aimed at safety first and foremost. We ourselves equip our cars with a transmission which enables the engine itself to be used as a powerful additional brake in an emergency. But all these safety factors will not secure safety unless the motorist keeps his eyes on the road and the pedestrian looks both up and down the road before he ” crosses or runs. into it.” The New Year is not far away. Here • is a New Year Resolution for motorists and pedestrians alike : Reduce road dangers in 1934 by the exercise of care,

common-sense and forethought. I am, Yours, etc.,


