Oil Charts.


011 Charts.

Any owners of Armstrong Siddeley, Morris, Ford, and Austin Cars (1933 models), who have not yet received a free Lubrication Chart can have one imn:eliately by applying to the. Filtrate Works, Leeds.

The Charts are mounted on strong paper varnished and eyeletted ready for hanging up in the garage, and in all cases have been checked and passed by the motor manufacturers concerned. Incidentally, a new oil specially intended for synchromesh gearboxes has

been introduced by Messrs. E. Joy & Sous, Ltd., known as Synchro “Filtrate.”

British Cars’ Success in Australia. For the third year out of the last four,

year a team of Triumph light cars has won the premier motoring award in New South Wales, the Wakefield Trophy. The trophy is offered annually for the best performance of a team of these cars in ten different contests. It was secured by Triumphs in 1930, with 7 first, 9 seconds and 3 thirds out of ten events. In 1931 they lost the trophy by two points

only, but they regained it in 1932. This year’s success was achieved with 10 lip, cars.

Chiron joins Hispano-Suiza. Louis Chiron was to be seen in October

was seen at the Paris Salon on the stand of HispanoSuiza. It appears that he has joined the famous French Company with the particular purpose of developing the sales of the 54 h.p. 12 cylinder model—the chassis of which, incidentally, was one of the outstanding exhibits at Olympia. Apparently his new activities will not in any way hinder him from racing next season.