Entries for the Monte Carlo Rally


Entries for the Monte Carlo Rally.

REPORTS of intense cold, blizzards and the like have in no way discouraged the Rally-minded, and entries, which of course reach a crescendo just before the closing date of December 24th, have been coining in well. Several English drivers, including Lord de Clifford, the President of the British Competitors’ Club, will attempt the difficult journey from Athens, while Bucharest, which may prove an even more strenuous starting point, will also have its supporters. Another interesting feature will be the friendly rivalry between the Triumph and Riley teams, each of which will have representatives on all the more highly marked routes. As we go to press, the official list is as follows :—

No. 1 M. Vasselle, Hotchkiss.

2 Mme. Rona.It.

3 K. W. B. Sanderson, Alvis (J.).

4 L. Gas-J. Trevoux, Hotchkiss. G. De Lavatette, Peugeot.

6 Sq. Lr. Fullerton, Sunbeam (J.).

7 Dr. Sprenger Van F:yk, Ford. A. A. J. Wideman. Mme. Mareuse, Peugeot.

9 Major Douglas M1rris, Inoicta (v.). 10 H. Th. Van Marken, Talbot,

11 J. H. M. Van der Meulen, Ford. 12 ‘Mlle. Eva Stackelberg, Hupmobile (U.)

14 H. Hechel-A. Koch, D.K.W. (T.).

15 F. S. Barnes, Singer (S.).

16 Lieut. W. D . Winterbottom, Bentley (L.).

17 Marc Chauvierre, Chenard-Waleket. IS S. C. H. Davis, Railton Terraplane U.).

19 G. 1. Stott, Alvis. (B.).

20 F. 1/e Ribeiro Ferreira, Railton Terraplane (A.).

21 R. P. Miehez, Affa-Romeo.

22 Mrs. M. W. Stanton, Riley (U.).

23 Odd Berg, Riley (S.).

24 S. Gootnick, Merced& (J.).

25 J. Kingston-Whittaker, M.G. U.).

26 N. Black, Hudson (U.).

’27 Mine. M. J. Marinoviteh, Peugeot.

28 J. A. Thoenes, Rover.

’29 Lord de Clifford, Lagonda (A.).

30 J. A. van Beeek Calkoen, Ford.

31 G. R. Brocklebank, M.G. U.).

32 Miss Champuey, Riley (17.).

33 A. N. Maintock, M.G. 34 ‘1’. 11. Wisdom, Armstrong-Saurer-Diesel (J.)

35 Miss F. Taylour, Rover.

36 A. E. Dobell, Alvis (M.).

37 J. Bignan, Renault. 38 0. W. Johanitsen-F . T. Eig Olsen, Chevrolet

39 R. R. Pelham-Burn, Riley (J.).

40 J . Cameron Brown, Riley (B.).

41 ‘Rupert Riley. Riley f A).

42 T. A. Sangster (Riley, (T .).

43 T. C. Griffiths, Riley (17.). 44 A. Bebag-Monteffore, Frazer-Nash (t7.) 45 W. P. Maidens, Riley. 46. M. T. Minshall, Singer,

47 J. Van der Heyden. Studebaker.

48 Prince L. Narisehkine, Pontiac.

49 K. Bryde, Jur., Austin.

50 0. Berner; Adler.

51 Dr. P. Sifflet, Aries.

52 H. E. Symons, Essex (A.).

53 D. E. Harris, Singer.

54 Mdffe. Hustiu, Peugeot.

55 C. 3. Joyce, Talbot (J.).

56 E. Mutsaerts, Ford.

57 C. La Haye-R. Quartresous, Renault. 58 R. P. Gardner, Lagonda

59 R. Carriere-H. Avril, Peugeot.

60 3. A. Driskell, Ford (J.).

61 D. H. Murray, Delage (J.).

A. denotes Athens, 13. Bucharest, G. Gibraltar, J. John o’ Groats, L. Lisbon, M. Messina, S. Stavanger, T. Tallinn, U. limea, V. Valencia.

Vasselle, winner of the Rally for two years in succession, again heads the list, and will probably be driving one of the two-litre four cylinder cars. De Lavalette and Mine. .)iareuse, also winners of their classes in last year’s event, are again to the fore.

Lord De Clifford, who is driving a 41 litre Lagonda, is making a great effort this year to win back the premier award for Great Britain. He planned to visit Athens in the middle of December, in company with Symons and Jack Ridley, SO as to get some ideas of the conditions prevailing. They were to drive to Brindisi and take a steamer from there to the Piraeus. Apparently a concrete road has been built from Athens to the Greek frontier, cutting out the muddy section which was one of the principal obstacles on the Athens route. H. B. Browning. the secretary of the Competitors’ Club, will be going in the Lagonda during the actual Rally. Ridley’s 10 h.p. Triumph, like that of Healey, is fitted with 9 inch tyres on 16 Inch wheels, and tests over ploughed fields

and other rough ground showed that the car was capable of proceeding steadily under any conditions. The cars carry 23 gallons of fuel, part of this being accommodated in tanks under the floor-boards. ‘rue ground clearance is about 10 inches. Rupert Riley and Cameron-Brown will be driving Riley Army Tourers, which also have good ground-Clearances.

Ribeiro-Ferreira, the Portuguese driver, is taking a Railton Terraplane, and is having the rear hubs extended so that he can bolt his spare wheels alongside the normal rear wheels, like a ” Shelsley Special.”

One does not usually associate supercharged cars with the Rally, but this year England will be sending at least three. Lieut. Winterbottom will be taking a blown 44. litre Bentley from Lisbon, as the car will not be ready in time to go from Valencia. Gootniek is taking a 38-250 MerceiPs from John o’ Groats, and as it is a two-seater, the spare driver, who has to travel in the dickey, will have a chilly time crossing the Grampians. Seba.g-Montefiore is driving a Frazer Nash with a Jameson blower, and is preparing formidable spiked tyres for his trip from Urnea.

Messrs. Autocheques of 33, Regent Street, SW.!. have made arrangements for the Rally, and competitors from John o’ Groats will be conveyed across the Channel with their car on a special steamer, and from the 24th to the 29th January will be accommodated and fed at the Grand Hotel, Monte Carlo, at an inclusive cost of 211 Os. 6d., while the cost for passengers will be 22 less. Those proceeding to Monte Carlo from foreign starting points can also take advantage of the good terms offered by the Autocheque service, and their stay in Monoca will cost 28 8s. A special baggage service from London, which conveys suitcases at 21 each and trunks at 22, will be in operation.