Club news, January 1934


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THE G.W. MOTOR CLUB. Club is now affiliated to the

THE Club is now affiliated to the A.C.U. SOuth Midland Centre, and has applied for a Restricted Permit for a Reliability Trial to be held on January 14th. This will enable ten other clubs affiliated to the same Centre to be invited, so that a first-class event should result. The entrance fee has been fixed at the specially low rate of 3/-, and full particulars of the route and entry forms will shortly be available from the secretary, Mr. C. J. A. Curd, 30, Denehurst Gardens, Richmond, Surrey.

Number Five of the “Exhaust,” the Club’s journal, has now appeared, and contains full details of the activities of members, as well as useful notes and articles.

BUGATTI OWNERS’ CLUB. The Night Trial is one of the most

popular events on the Club’s fixture list, and 31 hardy wights turned out on Saturday, November 25th. This year the start took place at the Chorley Wood Hotel, Rickmansworth, the first man being sent away at 11 p.m. In addition to Bugatti Club members, entries were also received from the M.G., Hornet, Lagonda and Frazer Nash clubs. More or less the same route as last year was followed, the first hill being Kop, which should have been timed, but wasn’t, owing to a faulty apparatus. No failures were noted, of course, and everyone seemed to take the opportunity of coming

up as fast as possible. Especially fast were Col. G. M. Giles (Bugatti 3.3), C. G. Vokes (Lagonda), and K. 1). Evans (M.G. Midget). The next check was at West Hagbourne, which was reached via Shirburn, Shillingford and Didcot. Only N. Manby (Singer) was late here, but E. Stapleton (Invicta), W. Ruck-Keene (Austin) and D. B. H. Robinson (Riley) were all too early, and were consequently penalised.

The acceleration and brake test was held just after the check, and was divided into two sections of over and under 1,500 c.c., the standard time being 32.7 and 33.4 secs. Fastest in the unlimited class was R. E. H. Gould (13ugatti), 23.4 secs., followed by W. W. Blackstone (0.M.), 27.4 secs., A. S. Whiddington, (Alvis), 27.6 secs, and K. W. Bear (Bugatti), 29.4 sets. Some of the” under 1,500’s” made splendid times, in some cases being second only to Gould. Here are the best times : F. S. Hutchens (Hornet) 25.4 secs., K. D. Evans (M.G. Midget) 25.6 secs., Miss Doreen Evans (M.G. Midget) 28 secs., R. J. W. Appleton (Riley) 28 sees., and 0. C. Lloyd (M.G. Magna) 28.6 secs. The refreshment stop at Rowstock Cross was very welcome, for although the night was a fine one the temperature was definitely chilly. Duly revived, competitors then proceeded to a check at

Bull’s Cross, in the Cotswolds. Three hills had to be climbed hereabouts, Stancombe, Sheepscombe and Portway, and of these only the first-named caused any difficulty. K. W. Bear (Bugatti) failed, as did J. Sieger (Lagonda) and R. P. Gardner (Frazer Nash), both these drivers retiring, and finally E. Stapleton (Invicta) had to be assisted.

Then came the final run by way of innumerable lanes to Broadway, a section which caused many marks to be lost last year. This time, however, only C. G. Vokes (Lagonda),E. Stapleton (Invicta) M. A. J. Windrum (Salmson), T. W. F. Windrum (Austin), W. Ruck-Keene (Austin) and D. B. H. Robinson (Riley) fell into the trap.

And so to breakfast at the Lygon Arms, and a quiet run back to Town.


Silver Medals: G. M. Giles (3.3-litre Bugatti), J. S. S•eele (2-litre Bugatti), R. E. H. Gould (5-litre Bugatti), A. S. Widdington (Frazer-Nash), G. E. Mayo-Smith (2-litre 0.M.), IV. H. Blackstone (2-litre 0.M.), F. S. Hutchens (Wolseley Hornet), Miss D. Evans (M.G. Midget), K. D. Evans (M.G. Midget), G. C. Lloyd (MG. Magna), J. F. de Lattre (Austin), R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), A. E. Blackwell (Singer Nine).

Bronze Medals. K. W. Bear (3-litre Bugatti), J. Baines (2.3-litre Bugatti), W. R. Almond (2-litre Lagonda. No Award: C. G. Vokes (2-litzeLagonda), N’.Manby (Singer Nine) E. C. W. Stapleton (1,200 c.c. Invicta, la), M. A. J. Windrum (Salmson), T. W. F. Windrum

IAutin), W. Ruck Keene (Austin), D. B. H . Robinson Riley Nine), D. Munro (l-litre Invicta). Retired: 3. Singer (2-litre Lagonda), R. P. Gardner Nash), G. Rea (M.G. Midget), J. W. King Riley Nine).


This is a new club, recently formed for the purpose of promoting social and sporting events. The headquarters of the Culb are at Harrow Weald, Middlesex.

Anyone Interested should get in touch with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. D. Burnford, Kynaston Court, Box Tree Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex.


The Autumn Cup Trial took place on Sunday, 1,ecember 3rd, starting at Milford, Surrey. Owing to the dry weather, little difficulty was experienced with hills, and the competitors reached the finishing point at Liss, Hants, in good time, RESULTS:

Autumn Sup: L. Stone (M.G. Midget). Special Souvenirs : I,. Wilson (Morris Minor) and P. C.

Peacock (Riley). Silver Medal : G. W. Groom (Vauxhall). Team Prize : the car team—E. Limpus (Morris Minor), L. Wilson (Morris Minor) and L. Stone (MG. Midget).

COMBINED MOTOR CLUBS. The ninth annual charity fancy dress

ball of the Combined Motor Clubs will be held at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, W., on Friday, January 26th, from 9 p.m. until 3 a.m. The hon. organising secretary is Mr. A. E. Cooke, 91, College Road, Kensal Rise, London, W.10.

FRAZER-NASH C.C. A film show was held at the Clock

A was House, Welwyn, Herts, on Sunday afternoon, December 3rd. Some really good films were shown, notably those taken by one of the members, W. R. Nimmo, and some ” shot ” at the Screw Hill-climb. There was an interval for tea, and then more films were shown until 7 p.m.

MID-SURREY AUTOMOBILE CLUB. The Annual Club Dinner and Dance

Dance was held at the Park Lane Hotel on the 24th November. Professor A. M. Low. the President of the Club, welcomed the guests in a characteristic speech. Lord Howe praised the good work of the Club In promoting Trials, and hoped for a revival of the Surbiton “Hundred,” the Brooklands race organised by the forerunner of the present Club. He drew attention to the increase of anti-motoring propaganda and said that bodies of motorists such as the one he was addressing could exert a powerful influence to resist panic legislation. Sir Malcolm Campbell spoke on the same lines, stressing the need for the utmost care on the roads. Mr. Kaye Don also spoke.

The secretary reminded members of the three successful Trials which the Club had organised, the London-Barnstable, the Grand Cup Trial and Experts Invitation Trials, all of which were widely appreciated. Lady Campbell presented the prizes for the various events, and the members and their guests then adjourned to the dance floor.


A large gathering attended the 2nd Annual Dinner of the Triumph Motor Club at the Piccadilly Hotel on December 6th, and it proved to be one of the most cheerful functions which have been staged In 1933.

Colonel Holbrook, the Chairman, spoke of the encouraging way in which the membership of the Club was increasing and welcomed the co-operation of the Press, of which a number of representatives were present. One of the best known was of course Sir Malcolm Campbell, who touched, as usual, on the increasing restrictions being put on private motorists.

Mr. C. R. Fairey, the well-known aeronautical engineer, made a bright speech in support of the Ladies, and a reply on their behalf was made by Commander Holbrook and Mr. Findon, Editor of the “Light Car.”

John Tilley, the comedian, gave an account, happily erroneous, of the Club’s financial standing, and the guests then moved to the Ballroom where they saw a capital cabaret show. Dancing, as usual, concluded a most enjoyable evening.