

IMPROVEMENTS are being carried out at Donington Park which will make the circuit at once safer and more interesting for drivers of the larger cars, who last year often found it difficult to pass slower vehicles on the short stretches of straight road. The road for some distance on either side of the S-bend in Gallows Flesh Wood will be widened, and the wood on the outside of the course cut down, so that only a slight curve will be left. Instead of turning right at Starkey’s Corner, the road will be continued straight on slightly to the left of the corner for 300 yards, then there will be a right-angle corner and a sTRRKey HILL t dittco,w4w o.,, CUPPFCE CoR4cR CoPPiCE L,qNt WILioN LOD4; -•■•■••••••-aa••■■

more gradual bend bringing the road back on itself. It will rejoin the present track by a further gradual bend midway between Starkey and Red Gate Lodge. This addition to the circuit will give a straight of over one mile, with plenty of width for passing.

At Donington cars must keep to the right, and so an enclosure for cars retiring during the race will be made on the inside of the course, opposite the present competitor’s paddock. This innovation will make it unnecessary for cars about to be withdrawn to cross the track, a manceuvre which was liable to obstruct following competitors.

It is interesting to notice that the Derby and District Motor Club have booked a date, October 6th, on the International Calendar for Motor Races at Donington. The principal event is to be “a Fifty Mile Race, and pits of a temporary character will be erected in the middle of the long straight. Mr. Crazier does not anticipate that with the heavy expenditure of funds this winter it will be possible to put up a Stand during the coining year, but when it does become feasible, it will be erected facing the pits. The wood which borders the S-bend will be cut back this year, and spectators on the Stand will be able to get a fine view in both directions.