
WHEN Miss Amy Johnson made her famous solo flight to Australia, she became immediately the most celebrated lady-pilot in the world. Now she has set the seal on this reputation, in addition to proving herself to be one of the most intrepid and Skilful pilots of either sex, by setting

up a new record from London to the Cape in 4 days 6 hours 53 minutes, and following this up with a new record for the return journey in 7 days 7 hours and 5 minutes. These wonderful flights have so many aspects worthy of praise that it is difficult to know where to begin. As Mr. F. G. L. Bertram, Deputy

Director of Civil Aviation, who represented the Secretary of State for Air at the reception at Croydon Aerodrome remarked : “I do not know which we admire most your ability as a pilot, as navigator, or as a mechanic, or your remarkable pluck, perseverance and indomitable endurance during the course of your flight.”