The Way of Things



F4LSEWHERE in this issue, under the heading of “The Vicious Circle,” a contributor draws

attention to the position which has arisen in the racing world, in which the attempt to depart from the special racing car has led us through a series of changes in the sports car racing rules, until we are back again in effect to the point where we started. Most of these points must have already occurred to racing men, but what the end will be is not so obvious. MOTOR SPORT has always contended that the racing car,

asfar as possible unrestricted, is the best medium for development, and the truth of this is be:ng borne out by the steady tendency of the sports car race to merge once more in the pure racing car event.

It would be absurd to contend that the interlude in racing in this country has failed to benefit cars, as the necessity of basing the racing machines on. standard models has made much better cars available to the public.

Further progress must now be in the direction of Proving that British cars can race successfully, not only In. their own country, but against continental makes on their own ground. CONT ENTS

The Way of Things …

LAND. •••

The “London-Gloucester” … ••• Motoring Sportsmen—I. Earl Howe • -•

An Interesting Three-litre … ••• Wintertime is Tuning Time •••

The Vicious Circle … A New-Season Hornet on the Road

” B.H.P.” and How it is Found … Modern Fuel-Feed Systems ••• Trying a Secondhander—VI. A 1927 3-litre Bentley Items of Interest Club News … Rumblings Duels on the Dieppe Circuit

AIR. The Autogiro Advances Making the British Salmson Slipstreams A Novel American Aero Engine

WATER. The Sport Afloat PACE … 99 100 ••• 100 115 ••• 112 113 •• • 118 ••• 118 122 ••• 124 ••• 126 127 129 132 … 134 137 … 138 … 139 … 140 Occasional individual entries are a sporting gesture, but something more serious than this is required. What is really wanted is a team entry from an experienced firm, and many motorists will hope that the M.G. Car Company will follow up its amazingly successful 1931 season with an enlarged programme for the year that is now opening. Any firm which undertakes a scheme of this sort for the coining season will have the heartiest good wishes from every motorist in this country. The gradual re-entry of British makes into the lists of Continental races will be the greatest factor in ensuring a satisfactory evolution of our own racing


It is perfectly obvious that English designers can, when required, make a real racing car which is in no way inferior to foreign marques, and given sufficient practice, our best drivers are quite capable of giving a good account of themselves in any class of event. We have, in short, all the material and personnel necessary to stage a real onslaught on international racing. And to those who can make this possible—our manufacturers—we say, “Get down to it.”