

ALL who have driven the standard side-valve Morris Minor must have been impressed with the life and smoothness of this little engine, and considered that it would make a good basis for a low priced sports car.

This has now been done in a very effective manner by M. A. McEvoy (London) Ltd., in conjunction with the well known body firm of jensens, who have produced a large number of special sports bodies in the last season.

The car is a sports 4-seater of very attractive design and robust construction, giving ample room for luggage or occasional passengers in the rear without noticeable overhang, and without restricting the leg room in the front seats.

A close inspection of one of these cars revealed excellent attention to detail finish, while a short run showed that the roadholding was excellent and the driving position—with an extended steering column—very well thought out. Two models are marketed, the

model 60 being with a standard engine, the only modification being a polished cylinder head, and the. model 90. The latter has a specially tuned engine, being taken down and carefully refitted. Stronger valve springs, a slightly higher compression ratio, and a specially designed manifold with an S.U. down.draft carburettor are other alterations.

The prices are £149 and £160, which ought to attract the man who wants something lively and economical at the lowest possible price. It should also be mentioned that this firm are in a position to supply special Bishop steering sets for all the Morris-111.0.—Wolseley Hornet range, as well as undertaking all classes of tuning.