Club News, January 1932




THE night trial which the club held a few weeks ago was supported by some twenty-four members. The start was from Chorley Wood, Herts, and the finish on the following morning was at Amesbury, Wiltshire.

Conditions were none too favourable during the darkness as local fog was met with at several places on the route. Nevertheless, seventeen of the competitors finished, and of these six secured gold medals, three were awarded bronze medals and the remainder failed to gain awards. The honorary secretary of the club is Mr. E. L. Giles, and his address is

2, Queen Street, Mayfair, London, W.1.


850 c.c. Sports Class : 1, G. H. Goodson (Austin S.), 22.5 secs. ; 2, E. R. Collins (Austin), 25.3 sees.; 3. W. G. Rushworth (Austin), 26 secs. 1,100 c.c. Touring Class : 1, A. C. Pairtlough (Austin), 30.2 secs. 1,100 c.c. Sports Class : 1, G. H. Goodson (Austin), 22.5 sees.; 2, R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), 27.2 sees.; 3, H. J. 0. Ripley (Riley), 28.6 secs. 1,500 c.c. Sports Class : 1, G. R. Hartwell (Aston-Martin), 21.7 sees.; 2, C. Tucker

(Bugatti), 22.4 secs. ; 3, D. G. Hopkins (Frazer-Nash), 22.8 secs. Unlimited Touring : 1, A. S. Llewellyn (HispanoSuiza), 26.7 sees.; 2, S. Berlin (Humber), 29.6 secs. Best car time of the day, C. E. P. Hole (Arrol-Aster S.), 20.7 secs. (This car was handicapped by 2 secs.)

The results of the 2,500 c.c. sports and unlimited sports were the same as the 1,500 c.c. sports.


The Southern Jowitt Light Car Club held its annual general meeting a short time ago at the Salisbury Hotel, Barnet, Herts.

In dealing with the progress of the club during the past year, the hon. secretary, Mr. E. A. Dudley Ward, who was in the chair, supported by Mrs. Ward„ announced that there had been better attendances at some of the meetings than at any time during the eight years of the club’s existence. The accounts, which showed a very satisfactory state of affairs, were presented by the retiring treasurer, Mr. B. C. Ansley, whilst the prizes won during the season

were distributed by Mrs. Dudley Ward. The Mitchell Cup for the best performance in the Night Trial went to J. W. Parsons, the runners up being 0. J. Marksworth and B. C. Ansley. Officers for the 1932 season were elected as follow :—Hon. secretary, Mr. E. A. Dudley Ward ; treasurer, Mr. P. J. Sard ; committee, Messrs. G. L. Lawford and B. Watson (representing North London.) and F G. Roots and P. J. Pilcher (representing South London).


There was an excellent entry for the recent Challenge Cup Competition, which was run over a difficult course, including the ascent of Alms Hill in the dark. All the cars failed on this notorious acclivity, but J. A. Berry (M.G. Midget) was runnerup to the motorcyclist who won the cup. The Editor invites Club Secretaries to send details of their fixtures, sporting and social, for publication in

these columns. These items should be sent to reach this office not later than the 16th of the month.