Gliding Gossip and News


Gliding Gossip and. News

THE London Gliding Club announces that arrangements have now been made to ensure that gliding instruction will be available to members every Sunday from 11 a.m. till dusk, until further notice.

In view of the large number of members who now hold Royal Aero Club glider pilot’s certificates, an effort is to be made to form a special advanced group, which will be able to operate without the inevitable restriction and delay caused by instructional flying. An announcement regarding the scheme will be made in due course.

The L.G.C. continues to be one of the foremost clubs as regards certified pilots, and their list is growing. Mr. Douglas Culver, who is a founder member, and one of the people responsible for the Club being formed, is one of the latest to take his “A.” Culver is an old R.F.C. “Camel ” pilot. He is minus his left arm as a result of a spot of unpleasantness with a Fokker D VII. in 1918, but this apparently in no way affects his capabilities as a pilot or his enthusiasm for active gliding.

A NOVELTY has been introduced by the London Club in the issuing of log books to members. These are obtainable at 6d. each. A club badge is also available— price 2s. 3d.

A TALK on sailplanes and gliding was given recently by Col. the Master of Sempill before the Manchester branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society. The gliding section of the branch has now completed the construction of a primary type machine, and this has been used at Farcoombes Farm, near Mottram, where suitable ground has been found.

THE Oxford and County Gliding Club, whose members are nothing if not enterprising, are busy with the manufacture of a glider of their own design. A feature of the new machine is the tubular welded steel fuselage.

SOME weeks ago, the Falkirk and District Aviation Club, one of the latest clubs to be formed, took delivery of a B.A.C. 2., machine. The craft was demonstrated to members by Mr. C. H. Lowe-Wylde, the designer, and afterwards Mr. J. W. Shaw, chief instructor of the club, made a successful flight. Later Mr. Lowe-Wylde gave a lecture to the club on gliding, at the Falkirk Iron Works. The committee have made arrangements for the formation of a constructional class, and it is hoped that this scheme will be got under way before very long.

IN common with most clubs, the Sailplane Club has had its operations seriously interfered with by the atrocious weather conditions which have prevailed lately. Nevertheless, members have been turning up regularly at their ” drome ” at Smalldole at weekends, with the hope that they might get in some gliding.

Members have recently completed the construction of a pivot device, on which can be mounted a glider so that novices can gain some idea of the working and efficiency of the controls. The apparatus appears to work well.

MEMBERS of the Harrogate Aircraft Club are now flying a machine which they have constructed themselves. It is a Dickson ” Zogling ” type, modified in certain details. Would-be constructors will be interested to learn that the cost works out at £20—a very reasonable figure. The machine behaves well, and already a great deal of flying has been done with it, without mishap or incident.

The Club announces that their annual general meeting will be held on 16th of this month, and that proposers and seconders of new members for the committee, or for any office in the Club should give notice in writing during the present week. It is also announced that a lecture on “Model Aeroplanes—their Construction and Flying” will be delivered before members on Friday, 30th January, by Mr. R. Gosling. Another lecture will be given next month by Major King on “instruction in Flying Aeroplanes.”

LEEDS Gliding Club, which now has quite an imposing membership, has still room for further members. Those interested should write for particulars to the Club’s hon. secretary whose address is :-32, Feamville Grove, Roundhay, Leeds.

NEWS from America indicates that gliding enthusiasts in that country are developing an establishment which is fast becoming a second Wasserkuppe.

The spot selected is known as Elmira, and is some 200 miles from New York. A preliminary survey of the site was made from a powered ‘plane, and after it had been tried out with both soaring machines and gliders proper by leading exponents, it was agreed that it was ideal. A most successful gliding and soaring contest was held at Elmira some time ago, when flights of long duration were carried out by Herr Hirth, Captain Hawks (of towed-flight fame) and Jack O’Meara. The former, taking off at dusk made a night flight lasting about an hour, finally landing with the aid of flares. Later Hirth made another notable flight with a duration of seven hours, seven minutes and two seconds, with a landing back at his starting point. Captain Hawks also carried out a towed flight in his “Eaglet.”

In all, some twenty-four pilots took part in the contest and there were fourteen machines of various types.